In the Name of God

“God is a concept, by which we measure our pain.”

In the Beginning

We profess to know the origins of humanity from ancient civilizations based on history and science.  Yet, we fail to understand beyond academia.  The proof to confirm this statement is in our behavior and existence, particularly with each other, nature and the universe.  Centuries ago, a group of men conspired to write a book that would ultimately dictate to billions of people doctrines for righteousness.  Though for many, it is an egocentric endeavor. 

Many books have been written for this purpose.  However, through the generational imposition of religion, it has become the standard.  The Bible does not cause animosity, debate, prejudice and war.  It is those who use it as a control mechanism to proliferate the supremacy of their tradition.  Much like democracy, the vision of religion is sound, yet its reality has been nothing short of a nightmare.  So too is our belief in a singular God.   

“I don’t believe in magic.”

Sleight of Singularity

Nothing is one dimensional.  The universe is an expression of omnidimensionality. However, humanity clings to existential singularity for comfort, familiarity, knowledge and relativity.  When perceived through the socially institutionalized mind, it occurs as a linear timeline; quantified within a three-dimensional domain and often viewed through a filter of duality.  In this microcosmic paradigm, it is much easier to influence, manipulate and regulate the masses.

Before the organized control structures of the marketplace, politics and religion, early civilizations had a strong relativity with themselves, each other, nature and the universe.  Understanding existed before knowledge, mysticism before dogma and universality before reality.  When intelligence superseded the soul, men invented patriarchal singularity, thus diminishing the natural power of the feminine.  This matrix is rooted in our minds.

“I don’t believe in the Bible.”

Middlemen of Ministry

Religion spread like a virus across the world, guilting its followers with fire and brimstone and securing the segregation of civilization.  The people gathered in congregations, eagerly offering their loyalty, money and prayers.  They sacrificed their universal power on the altar of dogma with their blind faith, obedience and spiritual oblivion.  The cross stood as an obligatory symbol of enslavement to a vengeful God, enforced by middlemen of ministry.

To follow is societal.  To lead is tyrannical.  To be is universal.  Much is made of leadership in society.  Yet, when observed with veracity, its contemporary expression is dictatorship.  Most would opt to obey, as it appears to be the easiest path, considering the callous conditions of social reality.  Our evasion and renunciation of accountability, integrity and responsibility emboldens the middlemen of ministry; enabled by our fear, insecurity and oblivion.

“I don’t believe in Jesus.”

The Con of Belief

When we believe in something, it does not make it real.  No matter how attentively we direct our intention, it often fails to exist in a beneficial way; personally, socially or universally.  In essence, belief is a spiritual magic trick to separate us from our soul.  Social reality is designed to draw us away from ourselves.  It seizes our focus by siphoning our energy into our external environment, causing our spiritual deficiency, upon which the ministry preys.

The imposition of religion coerces us into the obligatory slavery of our soul.  The church weaponized the crucifixion to control, guilt, manipulate and condemn its disciples to a sentence of virtual salvation.  Religious persecution awaits anyone who dares challenge the Word of God, with all the fire and brimstone its ministers can muster.  The con of belief enforces the Will of God as an agenda of imaginary faith in a vain exhibition of righteousness.  

“I don’t believe in mantra.”

Congregational Dependence

Any organization exercising coercion, dogma or obligation as its stratagem is a cult.  This is certainly not exclusive to religion.  We can observe Cabals in the domains of business, media, politics, sports and science.  We justify our indoctrination by convincing ourselves it is for our benefit, growth, profit, success or survival, all the while strengthening our enslavement to social reality.  Orthodoxy is our dependency upon the simulation of society.   

The con is often the same.  One or a few leaders preside over the congregation.  What is absent is mutual trust.  One the individual person has with themselves, and the one the leader empowers upon their devotee to envision and create their own path.  However, this dynamic becomes toxic when driven by the egocentricity of the leader.  Yet, as much as the minister enforces their doctrine, the believer enables their spiritual slavery with their engagement.

“I don’t believe in kings.”

The Greatest Transgression

Many of the sins admonished by the middlemen of ministry are not as offensive as their blatant disregard for their own doctrine.  For centuries, religions have abused, chastised, demonized, exiled, imprisoned, persecuted and executed millions in the Name of God.  They built armies, decimated cultures, destroyed nature and propagated fear to turn the people against each other and themselves.  All for the purpose of preserving their religious racket to control the theology of the world.

Religion is a vicious cycle of sin, provoked and punished to segregate the people from their soul.  First, with an illustration of guilt when the disciple is shown the evil of their existence.  Second, an imposed obligation they must accept to remedy their wicked behavior.  Third, a feigned lifestyle of righteousness, to which they must aspire, yet will never fulfill.  Fourth, the sacrifice of their soul to a manmade God for passage into “Heaven.”    

“I just believe in me.”

In the Name of God

“God” is a commercial institution, blasphemed most by those who consider themselves “holy.”  We acquiesce our personal power to evade our accountability, integrity and responsibility as a universal being.  We even sacrifice our humanity to an imaginary divinity with our dependency on social conformity, popularity and vanity.  Religion is a vicious cycle of emulation that oppresses our discovery, empowerment and expression of universality.  

We are everything, and we are nothing.  All we sense about ourselves is an illusion, as is the social reality in which we engage.  It is our habitual belief in authoritarian deceptions which enables our social enslavement.  The greatest revelation we will ever experience occurs when we awaken from the religion of reality.  We have all been proselytized into a lie, invented by the few to enslave the many, all in the Name of God.          

“The dream is over.”

(All quotes taken from the song “God” by John Lennon.)

The Truth of Our Youth

“Maturity destroys our truth and our youth.”

Youth Revival

Recently, I had a revelationary experience of reunion.  My brother and I were asked to sing a song at our late friend’s memorial in our home county. (Refer article: “A Son of Leelanau.”)  When I returned from this reacquaintance with my youth, I realized how damaging it is to cast aside our childhood and adolescence in our eagerness to age into adulthood.  When we sacrifice our youth in a desperate plea to conform to social reality, we are incomplete as human beings.  Every moment is an opportunity to experience our younger selves, that is when we choose to be present to this era of our lives.  Most may see this as living in the past, while some understand it as an opportunity for fulfillment. 

An Act of Severance

When I was in my mid-20’s, I severed relations with my youth.  I was not a terrible person, and I did not commit offenses against others.  It was at this age I began my personal awakening.  During this time, I adopted an inaccurate and unhealthy perception of myself, others and the world.  As I embraced temperance, I stepped into the egocentricity of spirituality, with all its foibles of arrogance, ignorance, superiority and self-righteousness.  I broke ties with my family and friends and began the unique path that has led me here.  A friend recently reminded me this was something I had to do to become who I am.  As I recently discovered, this severance was bittersweet. 

A Vision of Reflection

After being reunited with my youth, I was inspired to reflect on who I had been, and why I would have felt impelled to dissociate from my younger self.  I recalled being adventurous, creative, imaginative, musical, poetic and revolutionary.  And though I reveled in imbibing with my fair share of substances, I certainly was not evil.  In hindsight, I observed that I had been impassioned by awareness, being, community, creativity, devotion, equality, justice, music and purpose.  In my haste to sever ties with my “wild child”, I had become seduced by what I would later understand to be “spiritual elitism,” which is simply a practice of intellectualizing the soul.  It would take me years to shed this self-stigmatism.   

The Proof of the Truth

There is no “one” truth.  There are over seven billion, even if they remain unmanifest.  Each of us has the universal birthright to envision and embrace what resonates with our being.  Establishing the foundation of our truth and becoming its expression is our human destiny.  It is a solitary path, rife with relentless, social contempt, debate, fear, insecurity, ridicule and resistance.  Our choice is either to stand for our truth or enlist in the ranks of all who institutionalize themselves into the mimicry of social reality.  We are most present to our truth during our adolescence; before education, heredity, media, politics, religion, science and society manipulated our experience, perception, personality and understanding.  Our truth is found in our transcendence.

“Personal truth is our path least travelled.”

The Birth of Truth

Before we are born, we are an omnidimensional expression of the universe.  How we empower this into our life experience is the manifestation of our being.  In utero, we are profoundly intimated with our mother; physically, mentally, emotionally, intuitively and spiritually.  As much as we are influenced and impressed upon by our mother’s experience, we too express the universe in a convergence of energetic mutuality.  Both the mother and child share their experiences in a synergistic resonance of being.  This is the most powerful human bond.  The unique truth the mother bestows upon her child synthesizes with the one the child carries into her womb.  In infancy and childhood, we are the incarnation of this universality.

Side Effects of Social Reality

Living in social reality is a traumatic encounter, on multiple levels.  Many to which we remain unconscious.  Its influences and impacts are accelerating, intensifying, manipulating and toxifying us with our every reaction to its hostility.  As we progress from infancy to childhood, we are besieged by a barrage of social institutionalization in the guise of amusement, education, heredity, media, politics, religion and science.  Before we are aware enough to nurture our consciousness, discernment, expression, individuation, lifestyle, relativity and understanding, we are programmed into an emulation of inauthenticity.  Social reality provokes our reactivity to transmute our experience from universality to virtuality.

The “Rebellion” of Adolescence

By the time we become teenagers, our personality emerges from the passing of childhood into the advent of adulthood.  We begin to distinguish between our social conditioning and personal evolution.  We become present to all that resonates with and ultimately empowers us.  It is the seminal era of our lives when our truth is born.  As our youth begins to fade, our perceptions define our experience.  We begin to establish the foundation of our being via our relativity to our environment, though most vitally with our soul.  Our progression of individuation during adolescence is perceived by society as “rebellion,” yet it is the origin of our personal power. The strategy of society is to discredit, distort and destroy our truth with reality.

The Bane of Maturity

As we “mature” into adulthood, we abandon ourselves, and our truth.  For most, it is inevitable.  Our attention, energy and focus drift into our external activities, environment and reality.  In essence, we become a contemporary version of our parents, inherently emulating elements of our hereditary lineage.  We have existed in an evolutionary shift from infancy to childhood and into adolescence.  It is in early adulthood when we begin to build our individual bubble of reality, formed by our anxiety, defenses, desire, entitlement, expectation, insecurity, interpretation and uncertainty.  Eventually, we condition ourselves to discredit, distort and destroy our own truth, engaging deeper into the simulation of society.  We feed our existence with our fear.

Echoes of Awakening

When we are young, we are intuitively proactive (positive).  As we mature, we are instinctually reactive (negative).  We establish our personal delusion, defined by our social reactivity.  Over time, we adopt beliefs, filters, interpretations, narratives and prejudice with all outside of the proverbial box of our linear existence.  Occasionally, we encounter visions of our soul as an expression of being.  Yet, within the paradigm of social reality, our universality cannot exist.  With little to no focus on the source of our being, spirituality is simply a superficial endeavor; existing as a projection of intelligence and confined to the parameters of our mind.  The expression of the universe is being.  Therefore, our universality is our truth.          

The Truth of Our Youth

We are offered infinite opportunities to cross the threshold of our humanity to experience universality.  Social reality terrifies and traumatizes us into a constant state of fear.  Maturity is an evolutionary regression, conditioning us into an unbearable relativity with our body, heart, intuition and soul.  We are existentially adrift, enslaved into the singularity of our mind.  The source of our universal energy is severed when we succumb to institutionalized intelligence.  Recently, I completed my experience of retrieving my youth. In the spirit of fulfillment, I reclaimed the part of myself I severed.  The truth of our youth inspires us to transcend our virtuality, empowering our relativity with universality.

“Our truth is the expression of our universal being.”

A Son of Leelanau

“Mama, Mama many worlds I’ve come since I first left home.” – Hunter/Garcia

Fare Thee Well

A few weeks ago, I heard from my friend Dave, one of our own from our Leelanau Family had passed away.  The first thing I did was play some music for him, as he was one of the drummers in our music group.  I sung “Sing Me Back Home,” an old Merle Haggard song we had heard the Grateful Dead cover in our infinite encounters with the Dead as a tribe of firebrands in Leelanau County.  As I sang the song, I knew I had to go to his funeral.  A few days later, I received a call from my brother that our departed friend’s family wanted us to sing a song for him.  I asked him what song.  He replied, “Sing Me Back Home.” 

On My Hands and My Knees

I chose to head up north for the visitation and funeral service the day before, as my brother was flying in from Florida the next morning.  While I drove north, I was not particularly reflecting on where I was going and who I might see, just feeling in every fiber of my being I needed to be there.  When I arrived, I visited a little with my parents, then had a video chat with a dear friend of mine from Leelanau County.  She asked me how I was being there, probably knowing way more of what would transpire than I did at the time.  Soon after, I went to bed, having woken up that day at a quarter to four in the morning, unable to sleep due to the coming weekend. 

In My Time

The next morning, I headed to the Traverse City Airport to pick up my brother.  On the way, I scanned through the radio dial to find a Grateful Dead channel out of Petosky, Michigan.  It would become the soundtrack of our weekend.  My brother was a bit stressed when I saw him due to the rough landing of his plane, as he felt it could have resulted in a crash.  We headed to our parent’s house and visited, then sang the song we were to sing at the funeral.  We went to Good Harbor beach along Lake Michigan and reminisced about our friend, his family and the current events of our home County.

Sing Me Sweet and Sleepy

Both my brother and I shifted into a reflective silence as we approached Suttons Bay, where the visitation and funeral were to occur.  These moments were the most we had spent together in many years.  We crossed the threshold of the funeral home, greeted by several friends from our youth, many we had not seen for 20 or 30 years.  We visited in the company of the open casket, sharing our cherished memories.  As the visitation ended, my brother and I joined our friend Dave and our sister Rah for dinner down the street.  An animated history of epic hijinks and hilarity filled the bar with laughter for hours until we bid our farewells. 

“Going home…going home, by the water side I will rest my bones.” – Hunter/Garcia

A Far-Gone Lullaby

On the morning of the funeral, we sang through the song a few times.  It had been almost 30 years since we sung in front of anyone together.  Time flew by, and we were once again headed toward Suttons Bay, turning north on a corner where our departed friend used to live.  I was moved to sing a song for him on our way.  We once again crossed the threshold of the funeral home into the embrace of many more from our Leelanau circle of friends.  For the half hour before the service, it was a flurry of reminiscent reunion.  Soon, my brother and I sat with our friend Dave in the pew as the Funeral Director began the proceedings.

River Going to Take Me

The funeral home was packed with family and friends.  Our friend Dudley took the podium for the eulogy, offering his heartfelt tribute.  When he was finished, he called up my brother and I.  Mark expressed his sentiments, and we both gave hugs in condolence to our departed friend’s brother Shawn, his wife and their children.  As I walked to where we would sing, I felt Shawn’s tears on my cheek.  For all the times we practiced the song, it would not prepare me for the emotion in the room and singing in front of our circle of friends for the first time in decades.  When we finished, we returned to our seats to the warm applause of our family and friends. 

Going to Plant a Weeping Willow

While we were visiting after the service, our friend Dudley rushed up to ask my brother and I to be pall bearers.  We gathered around the casket and lined up together on one side.  Dudley in the front, me in the middle and Mark in the back.  It was a powerful bonding of brotherhood.  Mark and I followed the procession to the gravesite, a family cemetery on a country road a mile from Lake Michigan.  The early spring sun was beginning to set, and we joined the gathering of people around the grave to bid our farewells.  As we laid our flowers on the casket, the Funeral Director declared, “Today, we bury a Son of Leelanau.”

I Love You More Than Words Can Tell

Mark and I headed to the Town Hall in Cedar to share in fellowship with our family of friends.  We jumped back in the car, racing to see the sunset at the one place both of us had yet to visit during the weekend, Leland…home.  We walked onto Van’s Beach as though the decades of absence had never existed.  The sun was setting between the Manitou Islands in a cradle of distant clouds.  We reunited with our circle of friends in a celebration of homecoming against the backdrop of Lake Michigan.  As the stars began to shine, we returned to the car.  The Grateful Dead channel played, “Loose Lucy,” as Mark and I sang, “thank you, for a real, good time.

Going to Leave this Brokedown Palace

The next morning, I said my farewells to my Mom, my Step Father and my brother and headed south.  As I left Traverse City, I was listening to the Dead’s “Brokedown Palace.”  I could feel the strong pull of Leelanau County as I had decades before, singing through my tears, “Mama, Mama many worlds I’ve come since I first left home.”  All the memories with our departed friend emerged from the shadows of our history.  I could not recall the person I was just days before, as I was reuniting with the person I had been and the one I would soon become.  I was simply left with the understanding; I am and will always be a Son of Leelanau County.   

“Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul.” – Hunter/Garcia

On The Threshold

“Every moment is an opportunity to be an expression of truth.”

All Things Considered

There is an intensity to the subject matter and style of the articles I publish.  For many, it may be read as critical and pessimistic.  To others, there is an undeniable resonance with the energy between the lines.  I do not take offense when I hear from family, friends and others if the articles land for them as societal cynicism.  I have chosen to walk the path of my personal truth.  However, being an intuitive person, I sense the responses in comments, likes, shares, etc., or lack thereof.  My intentions have never been for profit, and I am not delusional enough to be seduced by popularity.  When people experience insights with these articles, even those interpreted as negative, I am fulfilled in my expression.

Delusion, Illusion and Oblivion

We each exist within our personal security bubble.  It is almost impossible to differentiate ourselves from our defenses, given our institutional assimilation via our social conditioning and programming.  It is our enslavement; imposed by our ambiguity, denial, egocentricity, fear, insecurity and self-righteousness.  We are all creators of our experience.  In every moment, we have the opportunity for universality.  Yet, we dismiss our universal birthright to conform to society.  We design our personal delusion to interact with the illusion of reality.  Our engagement in this dynamic establishes our oblivion.  We satiate ourselves with instinct and intellect, discrediting and refuting everything in opposition of our personal and social bias, narrative and reality.

Duped From the Truth

Personal truth is a social inconvenience.  It flies in the face of everything we are conditioned to believe through the enforced programming of education, entertainment, media, politics, religion and science.  From the moment we are born, we are conned into a lifestyle of enslavement.  We adopt and endorse our external dependence, because we fail to empower ourselves with our soul and the universe.  Perhaps the most difficult realization we all face is acknowledging and accepting that we were all duped.  Our egos enact an elaborate ruse to spare us from the dreaded culpability, humiliation and suffering we may encounter when we clarify and embody the truth.  Howsoever we endeavor to evade our awakening, it is inevitable.  

An Awakening

When I was an adolescent, I was confronted with the harsh reality of becoming an adult in society.  There was always a gravity of density, conformity and restriction I encountered at every turn.  It is extremely emasculating to transition from an eternal expression of being to a finite emulation of humanity.  The disturbing truth for me was understanding I would have to sacrifice too much of my soul for the gratification of egocentric “success” in social reality.  We may react defensively to this statement in justification of our own personal dependence on egoism, pride, prominence and worth.  When we choose to free ourselves from our oblivion, the resonance of our personal truth is all that remains.

“We are not an emulation of existence; we are an expression of experience.

Recollection of Revelation

As a teenage poet and musical artist, I experienced a unique fluency with creativity and imagination.  This empowered me to observe, clarify, understand and embody emotionality, intuition, relativity and universality.  What started as an act of adolescent rebellion gradually progressed into a declaration of being.  As I aged, it became a daily practice of soul preservation against the imposing elements of social reality.  I am fascinated by the energetic, experiential and transformative empowerment of universality.  The further I synthesize with my unique progression, the greater experience I encounter as a universal expression.  Social revolution does not exist without personal revelation.

The Rub of Relativity

We all have personal experiences in our social engagements.  It is almost impossible to find the equilibrium of our being amidst the constant stream of chaos, conflict, density, illusion, intensity, manipulation and programming. These elements modify us from the outside in.  We exist in a reality of artificiality, yet we are oblivious to the intricate nuances of its impacts and influence.  Our desire for superficial acceptance and belonging with our peripheral relations lures us away from our soul and the universe.  There is a limitation to the fulfillment we may share with others because we are segregated from ourselves.  No matter how much we invest our energy into our external encounters, the deficiency of our internal experience is the rub of our relativity.

I Am Who Iam

It is illuminating to experience ourselves through the eyes of others.  When we can observe ourselves outside of our permanence, it gives us a unique insight into how we occur.  It is an existential experience of transcendence, even from our selves.  I recall the first time I witnessed another’s fixed perception of me.  It was a transformational revelation in which I clarified who I was not.  A family member was speaking to me through an interpretive filter of who I was years before.  I realized they were unable to see me for who I had become, only with whom they felt most comfortable.  I shifted from reacting with aggravation to accepting their perception of me, even though it conflicted with who I truly am.

Life on a Limb

We fail at thriving when overwhelmed with the gravity of surviving.  We do not experience life.  We merely exist within the engineered parameters of a holographic simulation we collectively accept and adopt as society.  This concept is nearly impossible for the assimilated mind to comprehend.  Our cognitive dissonance casts stones of “conspiracy theory” in our malevolent quest to discredit, debunk and destroy all things beyond the proverbial box of social reality.  Our institutional programming revises our history and annihilates our mystery; accelerating the conflict, disease, fear and insecurity that enacts our enslavement.  We live life upon a fragile limb, clinging to social dependence in a desperate plea to proliferate our egocentricity.

Transcendent Sponsorship

Over twenty years ago, I met a woman who helped shift my programmed perception from knowledge to understanding.  I have learned that knowing is an intellectual encounter, whereas understanding is a multidimensional experience.  For decades, she has expressed her unbridled passion for conscious transcendence with anyone who lent her their listening.  Mine happened to be open at the time of our first encounter.  Elva Thompson is an author of articles and books, yet these pale in comparison to the awareness and inspiration that transpires in the eternal moments of her conversations.  It is ordinary to engage in relativity with others.  Yet, extraordinary to be empowered by the resonance of the energy beyond the words.

On the Threshold

We all stand upon the threshold of our unique experience with the universal energetic shift.  One humanity has yet to encounter.  For many, it may be interpreted as an apocalypse of our existence.  For some, it is the manifestation of our transcendence.  Howsoever we may choose (or not) to experience this extraordinary new era, our lives are best expressed in who we choose to be.  It is either the convenience of artificiality (fear) or the empowerment of universality (love).  Whether or not we consider ourselves conscious beings, our personal delusion with the illusion of social reality is the oblivion enabling our virtuality.  The truth we embody is the expression of our universality.                    

“Our personal truth is the resonance of our soul.”

An Heir of Transcendence

“We are not who we are programmed to be.”

In Our Beginning

Howsoever we may assimilate ourselves into society, we are an expression of universal energy, unique to the resonance of our soul.  It is all we are before we are born into three-dimensionality.  During our birth, we experience a traumatic energy schism that segregates us from our spirit and the universe.  From infancy to childhood, we are still in flow with our soul.  That is, until we are conditioned by control, egocentricity, fear, insecurity, self-righteousness and vanity.  We are then besieged by institutional, hereditary, personal and social programming via education, entertainment, ideology, lineage, media, politics, religion and science.    

The Beginning of Our End

By the time we enter early adulthood, most of our institutionalization is complete.  Once this takes root, our personal and social programming commences.  We are even awarded for our conformity with certificates, degrees, doctorates and licenses; compartmentalized into careers and tethered to a pseudo-social paradigm.  Our pride and prejudice take precedence.  We enroll in the rank and file of humanity, charging into the simulation of an interactive, virtual reality.  We fill the empty spaces of our lives with activities, amusements, attachments, beliefs, dependencies, dramas, professions, possessions, status and wealth.  Unbeknownst to us, we have sealed the fate of our enslavement.

Sensual Simulation

Our lives are a sequence of circumstances, transpiring in a sensory artificiality.  This is the true reality we refuse to accept or understand.  We assign meaning and value to our encounters, feigning sanity with our social triviality.  We perform roles of personality, steeped in frequent confusion, delusion and illusion.  We amuse, dispute, gratify, fantasize, patriotize, romanticize and traumatize ourselves to escape a social normality that does not exist.  Then we wonder why we cannot relate with others, while we fail to experience relativity with ourselves.  The happiness and fulfillment we believe we have is a projection, enacted in a sensual simulation.

Crashing the Program

If our conditioning is not apparent in this new era, we have entirely enslaved ourselves into society with our personal delusion and oblivion.  Our reliance on external gratification, meaning and self-worth assimilates us into vicious cycles of acquiescence, compliance, dependency and lunacy.  We are eagerly devoted to our captivity, deciding to follow the regime of authoritarian entities and organizations, rather than pioneer our personal path to freedom.  The origin of our emancipation is our willingness to observe, clarify and dismantle our virtual tethers to society.  We must crash the programming of our sense-based existence to embody our soul.

“Humanity is a program in the simulation of social reality.”

All Things Shiny and Bright

Everything in our social reality is a holographic projection.  The scientific communities are aware of this eventuality, yet they neglect to report its proven evidence.  It does not serve the authoritarian agenda for societal control.  In essence, their funding would be revoked.  Money sponsors the matrix of reality.  Humanity is exploited and victimized by its conditioned dependence upon and obsession with monetary currency.  Our personal power originates from our soul; and our energy flows where our attention goes.  Therefore, the simulation stimulates our reactivity to extract our essence.  It is our engagement in society which enables our enslavement.

On the Threshold

Seldom do we express our soul amidst the chaos and dysfunction of society.  We may have fleeting epiphanies, insights and even the semblance of transformation.  Yet, it is impossible to observe and experience universality within the insular bubble of our egocentric existence.  Our necessity for control, order, routine and security confines our consciousness.  Occasionally, circumstances may remove us from our comfort zone to encounter life beyond our anxiety, doubt, fear, ignorance, insecurity and oblivion.  However, when we are on the threshold of universal discovery, we often yield, retreating to the refuge of our personal delusion; within the illusion we interpret as reality.

The Path Least Travelled

Most draw their distinction from society as an utterance of ego.  Few create this diversity as an expression of their soul.  Humanity has a propensity to sacrifice its universality for a peripheral occupation in the simulation of social reality.  We are an energetic expression of omni-dimensionality.  Yet, we condemn ourselves to a three-dimensional existence, sentenced with a life of dichotomy.  Our personal programming conditions us into social mimicry.  We are eternal beings with infinite possibility.  The path least travelled is our unique opportunity to discover and explore our creativity, diversity, relativity, transcendence, transformation and universality.  

Universal Currency

The currency of the universe is energy.  Our soul is its unique expression.  The synergy between the universe and our soul is universality.  Our intuition conducts this energy to the centers of our being.  The omni-dimensional energy torus in our heart center synthesizes our universality in an infinite flow.  The frequency of its revolutions establishes the energetic signature of our being.  Our heart center transmits this energy into electrical impulses, inspiring our neural pathways.  This is translated into energetic signals, which empower our body.  The omni dimensional expression of our being is the manifestation of our universality. 

An Heir of Transcendence

Social reality resonates on a dense-vibrational frequency.  It is engineered to enslave us into intellect and instinct.  We enable this dynamic with our engagement via our attachment and reactivity to social stimuli.  Our symbiosis with social reality alters, distorts and manipulates our being, diminishing our universal awareness into the primordial duality of sensualism.  The universal energetic shift of the new era empowers us to observe our enslavement, transform our experience and transcend the matrix of society.  Our collective birthright is to cross the threshold of human history and become an expression of universal mystery.

“Life is merely a program in the experience of transcendence.”

The Blind Spot

“Truth is a daydream in the illusion of reality.”

No Men in No Man’s Land

Integrity: “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness: the state of being whole and undivided.”  When we read this definition, the opening quote rings true.  We can feign it all we want.  However, when we contemplate our authenticity, it is as foreign to us as our soul.  We have an excess of bias, concepts, filters, interpretations, judgements, perspectives and programming.  So many perceptual preoccupations that manufacture our personal delusion.  We cannot see reality, nor truth for that matter.  Instead, we stumble around in the darkness of our individual oblivion.  We are enslaved by the stimuli of society; trapped in infinite, vicious cycles until our inevitable demise. 

The Tail of the Coyote

The coyote is a trickster who revels at pulling pranks on others.  Occasionally, he will chase his own tail and bite it.  Momentarily, it shocks him, then he attempts to solve the enigma of this abuse.  Eventually he realizes that it was indeed him that bit his own tail.  In time, the coyote chases his tail until he bites it again.  This happens over and over.  Until nature intervenes and interrupts his hysteria.  This is us! We are the tail, and our ego is the coyote.  Although this by no means is a flattering fable, it is a true portrayal of humanity.  There is only one difference between the coyote and us: we have severed our connection with the natural world.  We neglect to exercise oversight and free ourselves from the patterns of our egocentricity.

Cheaters and Lest

Instead of learning lessons from our setbacks and revealing insights to shift into a new way of being, we often strategize for an angle, looking up the answers instead of establishing our own.  We are socially conditioned for instant gratification.  We call this “success,” then move onto the next achievement.  Recently, a college football team in my area won a championship.  However, a few weeks into the season, they were caught in an elaborate cheating scandal.  The league levied multiple violations on the program.  When I mentioned this fact to some of my friends who are fans, they dismissed it as “fake news.”  I observed how strong their delusion was in defense of their team.  This is the equivalent of Trump supporters insisting the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen.

The Power of Narrative

Alternative and mainstream media reports biased, agenda-driven opinions about current events.  Our information sources are no longer factual, they are editorial.  Narrative has been distorted by agendas to influence the ideologies and perceptions of society.  To whichever side we may gravitate: Democrat/Republican, Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine, religious/spiritual, vaccinated/unvaccinated or this team/that team, we are pawns upon a global chessboard of control, power and profit.  Believing our vote, faith, politics, vaccination status or sports fandom bears any social authority is our personal delusion, within the illusion we misinterpret as “reality.”  The power of narrative deceives the world.

“Disingenuity is our social disease.”

The Cult of Society

Every day, we engage in social addictions via entertainment, media, politics, religion, sports and otherwise.  When we sacrifice our conscience, empathy, intelligence, morality, relativity and understanding for superficial fellowship, we subscribe to the cult of society.  Corporations, entities and organizations broadcast ideology, indoctrination, rhetoric and propaganda.  They proliferate synthetic information, intelligence, faith, health, spirituality, success and wealth, all within the social conformity of a congregational environment.  Those who pander a “one truth for all” program are simply pyramid schemes exploiting popular belief as a cover for their cult.    

Badge of Honor

Through our personal and social institutionalization, we are conditioned to sacrifice our dignity upon society’s altar of ego. We desensitize ourselves from the horrific realism in which we are enslaved.  It is a human standard to sever our relativity with our heart, soul and the universe, as we engage in and endure social reality.  Our individual oblivion sustains the customized bubble in which we defend our ignorance, pride and prejudice.  We justify ourselves with our repressed malevolence in the toxic environment of a violent, hierarchical society.  Then we lionize and patriotize our inhumane behavior as our badge of honor, with our arrogance, entitlement and self-righteousness.

The Real World

In The Matrix, Morpheus reveals to Neo the illusion in which he was enslaved.  He shows him the “real world,” a wasteland of destruction, where machines harvest energy from millions of humans encased in pods.  We do not want to be introduced to the real world.  We see, hear, feel and sense only what indulges our dependencies.  What we most desire is the illusion.  Quite literally, we are “living the dream.”  Our denial is so paramount, we defend sinister corporations, entities, governments and organizations who control, enslave and manipulate us.  The real world is consumption, disease, delusion, failure, pain, violence and war.  For all the truth we could express, illusion is what we enable.

Wake Up!

Since adolescence, I had always felt as though there was something severely wrong with society.  When I became aware of the smoke and mirror show that is “reality,” I was enraged.  Over the last few decades, I have become more present to its deception.  I learned how to transform my anger into creativity, and ultimately consciousness.  I awakened from my daydream, clarified the nature of reality and became an expression of my truth.  This transformation has taken longer than my institutional, personal and social programming.  We have lived our whole lives in our delusion, within the illusion of society.  Before we free ourselves from the simulation, we must wake up to the reality of our truth.

The Reality of Truth

There are over seven billion truths in the world.  Our personal truth is meant for us alone to embody and express.  We will never discover it in the congregational domains of amusement, education, media, politics, religion or science.  These are all just social vortices that divert us from our destiny.  The greatest truth we will ever experience is our soul.  It is our relativity with the universe.  Our prosaic personality is the blasphemy of our universal being.  When we delude ourselves into seeking our truth in reality, we exile ourselves from universality.  It is a unique path we must pioneer with consciousness, creativity, purpose, transformation, will and understanding.  The reality of our truth transcends our triviality.

The Blind Spot of Oblivion

Oblivion to our soul abolishes our energetic flow with the universe.  Social manipulation is the watermark of our progression.  Evolution does not exist in society.  Only the simulated procession of time that passes as maturity beneath the gravity of age.  The artificiality of our social reality is the bane of our existence.  It consumes our consciousness with the singular purpose of soul extinction.  We are overwhelmed with social stimuli, which enslaves us with our own anxiety, disease, fear, insecurity, pain and trauma.  We adopt our victimization by investing in an illusion, and engaging in a society that distorts, exploits and extracts our energy.  Our personal delusion is the blind spot of our oblivion.

“Transcending our oblivion is the origin of our awakening.”

Any Color You Like

“Gender identity is only a facet of who we are.”

Gender Bender

Much has been made about how we identify with ourselves.  This person is a man, and that person is a woman.  Anything outside of the socio-physio realities of our masculinity or femininity is often condemned, discouraged, judged, mistaken and ridiculed.  The fear and insecurity of humanity exhibits feigned attempts at acceptance, love, peace and understanding.  Even when it has no direct impact or influence on the antagonist(s), we strive to degrade gender diversity out of existence.  Society may never be ready to acknowledge, approve or empower a transcendent experience with its sexuality.  Being is much more than just identifying as a man, woman or otherwise.

The Era of Balance

During the pandemic, I chose the opportunity available for all of us to go within and align, center, ground and relate with universality.  In my experiences, I discovered and embraced the multidimensionality of being to bring equilibrium within and fulfill a profound relativity with my soul.  This is not to declare I shifted into a different gender.  It is to articulate we all have male, female and transcendental elements of our being, regardless of our physical manifestation.  Whether or not society chooses to accept the recent revelations of gender diversity, we are in the evolutionary progression of the Age of Aquarius.  The era of universal balance.   

Archaic Existence

Patriarchal men need not fear that women will rule the world.  Yet, this is probably a good idea, given the destruction mankind manifests in its quest for egocentricity, supremacy and worth.  Primarily, men are aggressive, brutal, competitive, primeval and obtuse.  These masculine qualities have oppressed women into amity, empathy, nativity and passivity.  Toxic masculinity and femininity are instinctual, intellectual and emotional epidemics, condemning men and women into a one-dimensional existence within the social paradigm of duality.  We sever our relativity with our soul when we sentence ourselves to the singularity of gender identity.

Unfulfilled Intimacy

Our relativity is not only expressed in how we connect with others, but in how we relate with ourselves.  Engaging in personal and social intimacy is often a material and peripheral encounter.  When we consider all the physical, mental and emotional conditions we bring to our relationships, rarely is it ever a fulfilling experience.  Given the lackadaisical awareness many express in their relations, it is not surprising that contemporary sexuality results in toxicity.  When we attempt to fill our personal void vicariously through another, we become a vortex.  The loneliness we feel with our significant other is often far worse than the one we endure alone.  

“Embodying our soul empowers our relations.”

The Toxicity of Gender

Many tend to camouflage themselves with the social shield of their physical gender.  As we mature, we till our personal roots deeper into man or womanhood, accepting a life sentence of one-dimensionality.  Our oblivion to the universal nature of our complimentary sexualities becomes suppressed, further complicating the fulfillment of our being and our relations.  An unbalanced male may project the aggression of anger, competition, judgement, machismo and strategy, while an imbalanced female may retreat into the passivity of drama, helplessness, hopelessness, oversensitivity and resignation.  Embodying a singular gender identification is a suppression of transcendental being.  

Over the Rainbow

Gender diversity has exploded throughout society.  Many may feign acceptance, empathy and understanding with alternative communities to be “socially correct.”  For others, declaring sexual diversity is an evolutionary expression of being. Though these discoveries are ringing in a global revolution of sexuality, our destiny is to establish our unique balance, and transcend the boundaries of gender to become a universal being.  Both men and women have masculinity, femininity and divinity.  Equilibrium within creates the foundation upon which our relativity with the universe is experienced through our heart and intuition.  We are not one delineation, we are all.

A Balanced Being

When men accept their femininity and women embrace their masculinity, universal balance is established in our heart center.  This allows us to be present to our intuition and soul.  Without this symmetry, we cannot become an expression of universality.  The energy of the universe is ever transforming, empowering us to evolve, expand and progress.  We are universal beings having human experiences.  The universe empowers us to embody our omnidimensionality.  When we are related with our soul, in flow with our intuition and centered in our heart, we are a balanced being of universality.

A Personal Shift

For the last few years, I have become more intimated with universality.  This relativity is very distinct from gender identification.  The experience transcends masculinity, femininity and sexuality.  The balance of all creates a being within to express universal energy.  As a man, I observe my anger, bias, negativity, reactivity and violence.  When my expression is universal being, I experience calm, clarity, positivity, proactivity and tranquility.  By no means is this a profession of perfection.  For me, it is a personal shift of balancing all elements of my being to create relativity with my soul and be in the energetic flow of universality. This transcends the boundaries of gender identity. 

Any Color You Like

Human perception is steeped in black and white.  In the wake of this duality, our perceptions often turn gray.  The patriarchy vilifies the rainbow as a representation of deviant sexuality.  In the eyes of society, transcendent expressions of being are exiled beneath the gravity of social transgression.  The toxicity of gender one-dimensionality projects fear and insecurity, condemning us to the enslavement of identity singularity.  This new era is our opportunity to release our personal and social programming to express our totality. A balanced being is not about identifying as a singular gender.  It is the empowerment and embodiment of our soul.

“We are an expression beyond imagination.”

Universal Progression

“The universe empowers all.”

Artificial Selection

We exist within a holographic projection, primarily exhibiting a two-dimensional perception.  This enables the cause and effect of social reality.  We make decisions in a paradigm of duality.  Our minds are relentlessly stimulated by our selective preoccupations to deceive, delude and distort us, while our primitive instincts imprison us into a dense, vibrational, energetic frequency.  We are lost.  Artificiality is transmuting our existence into virtuality.  Our air, food, water, drugs, devices, behaviors, desires, thoughts and social environments segregate us from our heart, intuition, soul and the universe.  Day after day, we acquiesce our souls to a digital labyrinth of artificial simulation.

An Inconvenient Truth

When articles like this are published, the cognitive dissonance, denial and resistance in society triggers reactions of “conspiracy theory!” “fake news!” “lunacy!” and my personal favorite, “truther!”  I get it, we do not want to acknowledge any of this.  Beyond our collusion, doubt and uproar, we tremble with fear and insecurity because we feel it to be true.  Not believing in alternative viewpoints does not make them false.  It simply expresses our unwillingness to accept, relate, understand and transform the social reality in which we are enslaved.  We receive a pittance of payback from our investment in amusement, money, possession, status and vanity.  We are human vortices; devoid of charity, empathy, kindness, love, relativity and understanding.

The Greatest Lie

Social reality is a simulation projected into a three-dimensional construct.  Given we often opt for a dualistic perception, we cannot observe the boundaries of our confinement.  When the credibility of our reality is challenged, we vehemently defend our enslavement with the institutionalized data of our intelligence.  “Facts” originating from the very source that wardens our captivity.  We are all incarcerated in an elaborate, perceptual mirage we indolently relate with as reality.  Yet, it is not realistic in any sense of the term.  In fact, it is not “real.”  Reality does not exist.  It is an illusion.  For us to engage in social reality, we must adopt our personal delusion to interact in the artificiality we enable and interpret as society. 

An Era of Epiphany

As I write this, we are in the four-day progression of the Winter Solstice.  We are also in the Universal Energetic Shift that has been occurring since 2012.  This New Era is an opportunity for us to calm our body, silence our mind, embrace our heart and be empowered by our soul through our intuition.  It is a time to flow with the universe in a way we have never experienced, aligning, balancing, centering, grounding and transforming our being.  No matter what triviality in society rears its fearsome head to compromise the fulfillment of our experience, the universe is empowering us to manifest our soul purpose.  The expression of our universality streams beyond our belief, comprehension, identity, knowledge, perception, profession and reality.

“We alone prohibit our universal progression.”

The Dynamics of Being

All of us are souls.  We are universal energy expressing creativity, empowerment, illumination, manifestation, relativity, transcendence and understanding.  Our soul empowers our intuition to conduct our universality into the energy centers of our being.  Our heart center is a torus revolving omnidimensional energy from the universe, which inspires our mind, body and environment.  When we are resonating with universality, we are expressing the fulfillment of our being.  Our relatedness with others reflects the communion we have with our soul.  When we are out of synch, we are chaotic, dysfunctional, trivial and simply surviving.  When we are in synergy with our soul, we are conscious, expressive, present, progressive and truly thriving.

The Lure of Polarity

It does not require a great effort to observe the impact and influence of contemporary duality.  Society is rife with pitfalls of polarity in the guise of gender, ideology, race, religion, politics, sports and war.  We are pitted against each other in a vicious matrix of competition and survival.  Yet, most importantly, we are programmed to turn against ourselves, mired in our instincts and intellect at the cost of our emotionality, intuition and universality.  Observing, accepting and understanding the totalitarian engineering of our enslavement is vital in releasing ourselves from the social attachments to which we subscribe.  Living is our decision to integrate into artificiality.  Being is our choice to become an expression of universality. 

The Gravity of Reality

Given our conditioning and the complexities within social reality, our transcendence necessitates an extraordinary shift from mere existence to fulfilled experience.  Even the people, things and traditions we hold most dear are ultimately catastrophic to our universal evolution.  Social dependence is the soul killer, seizing universality from all who exist in its oblivion.  As our desperation, envy, fear, insecurity and misery crave violence, our consciousness evaporates when exposed to the brutality of an egocentric society.  The artificial belonging of socialization annihilates our authentic relativity with the universe, our soul, our being and all our relations.  There is no other way to say it.  We need to pull our heads out of our asses, and that of society!

All That Is True

Nothing is ever as it seems.  Every time we enable our dependence on social reality, we are discarding our personal truth.  Anyone who professes the arrogance to know another’s truth, either through congregational education, ideology, religion, politics, science or spirituality, is the personification of social tyranny.  Aligning, relating and becoming our unique truth is a path we alone must pioneer, empowered by the universe though our soul, intuition and heart.  When we shift into our unique energetic flow, we become an expression of its transcendent resonance.  We must sever our tether with society and cross the threshold of what we believe or think we know, to become and experience all we are as an expression of universal truth.

The Ties That Blind

Social reality is about achievement, advancement, competition, domination, success and wealth.  The universe, spirit, intuition and heart have little to no value in society.  They are all interpreted as weaknesses to be exploited for egocentricity.  Social reality casts its spell to anchor us into the dense, vibrational frequencies of conflict, cruelty, fear, insecurity, limitation and oppression.  Our hopelessness, neglect, oblivion and reluctance build the security bubble of our individualized existence.  When we dismiss the empowerment of the universe and our soul, our energy wanes and is transmuted into involuntary projections of our personal malevolence.  These are the ties that bind us to social reality, preventing our universal progression.

Universal Progression

Being is a universal movement, the evolution of our energetic resonance.  The natural sequence of existence commonly involves the programming of the mind and the toxification of the body.  Our universal progression is an experience distinct from mere existence.  The relativity of our soul with the universe (universality) emanates an omnidimensional energy, expressed through our intuition, into our energy centers and empowered by our heart.  We either subscribe to the social procession of living to survive, or we choose to become a universal progression of being and thrive.  The Winter Solstice and the Universal Energetic Shift are opportunities for us to flow with universality.  This New Era is the quickening of our universal progression.

“Being is our expression of universality.”

The Year in Words

“Recollection is the pathway to revelation.”


I had the idea to revisit the articles I published in 2023.  Perhaps for the purpose of completing on the year of compositional expression.  As I was putting this together, I observed unique and noteworthy progressions and trends of illumination. I highlighted excerpts I felt were most expressive of this extraordinary new era.   

To all who made the time to read the articles over the course of this last year, thank you!

I appreciate and am grateful for the comments, dialogue and insights!

All the best for the coming year!        -Iam      

The Experiential Awareness of Being (Published: 2/10/2023)

“We are as conscious as we are present.”

We instinctually and intellectually adopt and enact perceptual filters to insulate our solitary lifestyles.  Our desire to be right supersedes our need to express our truth.  Through our exposure and interaction with social reality, we eventually devolve into a vortex of egotism.  All who succumb to the selfishness of their desire are the vacuum of a black hole.  Social reality constantly distorts our focus of awareness from establishing an equilibrium between our instincts, thoughts and feelings. 

Our bodies and minds are cluttered with artificial sensation and thought, enslaving us with virtual reactivity to social reality’s engineered exploitation.  The contemporary standard of living is to be born, deceived, enslaved, manipulated, programmed and inevitably die.  No matter how we may elect to perceive these human conditions, they are the result of the social reality we cling to for credence, meaning, reference and relevance.   

Experiencing relativity in our environment and society begins with understanding ourselves.  Self-awareness is transcending our environment, transforming our relations and empowering our being with our intuition and soul.  Once we establish and sustain our awareness of self, we can apply and express consciousness in our social engagement.  The most important practice in all our relations is to listen.  The greatest gift we can give to another is the experience of being heard; appreciated, recognized and validated. 

Shifting our paradigm of perception from surviving to thriving may be the best way to embody existentialism.  Our intuition conveys our soul’s empowerment through our heart center, into our mind, body and environment.  Living life in the simulation of social reality may seem like a gratifying encounter for some.  Experiencing being in the eternity of universality creates awareness for all.

“Being present in the present is experiential awareness.”

A History of Mystery Continued…. (Published: 2/23/2023)

“The darkness empowers our light.”

I found myself in a vast domain, standing before a massive wall of energy resembling the illumination and movement of fire.  In my understanding, when we cross this threshold, everything we encounter of this world remains in a vortex of what we perceive as “reality.”  I found myself in a domain of utter darkness.  I was in a deep pit, and I sensed the disturbing presence of entities all around me.  I pulled myself out of this wicked realm, gasping with terror, as the residual dark energy surged through my body. 

A dark spirit held me down on the ground and proceeded to lash me with its fists.  Three entities circled me (the same ones from the pit).  I found my willpower, and for the first time, released a powerful, vocal roar, stunning the entities into fear and annihilating them for good.  What I experience is frightening to my core.  The duality of social reality programs us to believe in the black and white of dark and light.  Yet, there is so much more…

I looked up to see the dark spirit that had been attacking me in my previous encounter, standing over my bed with a wicked grin of malicious intent.  I could feel its darkness pulsing through my being, viciously and violently seizing my energy.  My personal experiences with consciousness have been extraordinary, insightful and powerful, as well as arduous, horrific and perilous.  There is a darkness we all must face, our own.  It is the cost of our consciousness.  I feel to the roots of my soul we all have these experiences.

“When we release the illusion of reality, we experience the truth of being.”

Ghosting the Soul: The Virtuality of Life (Published 3/17/2023)

“Many of us know how we exist, few of us understand who we are.”

We assume the role of a qualified, respectable and responsible member of society.  All the while, our soul, intuition and heart were dissected, oppressed and abandoned, sacrificed for namesake, status and wealth.  Our arrogance and ignorance defensively flex in a feigned attempt to appease our pursuits for an artificial sense of security.  With all social reality’s narratives, manipulation, prejudice, propaganda and rhetoric, it is nearly impossible to distinguish one’s unique, personal truth from society’s chaotic symphony of lunacy. 

Whether or not we choose to observe that entities, governments and organizations impose a virtual matrix to enslave humanity is irrelevant.  If we do not see it now, then we simply are not paying attention.  The exploitation of amusement, education, media, politics and religion corners us into delusion, diversion, indifference and uncertainty, as we spiral out of consciousness into the vortex of existence.  Social programming desensitizes us to the influence and impacts of our oblivious proliferation of greed. 

We are an idiom of reactivity, yielding our power to everyone and everything, beneath the veiled, social threat of being held accountable, authentic and benevolent.  It does not matter how educated we are, our ideology, politics, religion or status.  We cannot transcend our enslavement without being free from the simulation.  Every moment is an opportunity to transform our being. Choosing to shift our experience is the key to our freedom. 

“Virtuality is how we exist.  Universality is who we are.”

The Event Horizon (Published 4/29/2023)

“Our soul expresses the energetic flow of empowerment.”

Whether or not we are conscious in this exciting new era, we have crossed the threshold of a universal, energetic shift humanity has yet to experience.  Identifying as “woke” in relation to being “awakened” is the distinction between those armed with ego and all expressing their soul.  Social existence is the greatest distraction to human experience.  In society, we do not have genuine belonging, only superficial relativity. 

Every organization in society is a cult, seizing our personal power, as they enslave us with social reality.  We are spectators of its virtuality and consumers of our own enslavement.  All who choose to pursue their destined path are labeled fanatics, ever confronted by the simulated orthodoxy of an engineered society. 

The universe is an energetic field of infinite opportunity and possibility.  It is our soul’s relativity with our intuition and heart which empowers us to express it into our experience.  The energy of universality is a multidimensional force of being, consciousness, creativity, empowerment, expression, fulfillment, illumination, inspiration and transformation. Becoming one with and expressing the universe’s empowerment is our greatest opportunity for all lifetimes.  Flowing with the energetic shift is the event horizon of our universality.

“Discovery is releasing all we know to experience all we are.”

Streaming Universality (Published 5/20/2023)

“Being is streaming the universe.”

The universe is in a constant state of transformation.  Its energetic movements on our day of birth source the unique roots of our being.  Eventually, we yield our universality, initiating a schism

with our soul, while condemning ourselves to ordinary existence.  Maturity conditions us to devolve from creation to emulation, shifting our experience from awareness to obedience.  Within the toxicity of social reality, our bodies decay, our minds encode and our hearts contract, resulting in the distortion, decline and destruction of our intuition. 

When we differentiate the external influences from our inner being, transforming our conditioning into consciousness is exponential.  Our choice is to either draw the instinctual gasp of oblivion, or the conscious breath of the universe.  Conscious breath empowers our energetic flow with universality.  Silence is the language of the universe.  Silence is a transcendental experience which empowers our relativity with our soul. 

Our universality streams creation through our intuition, empowers our heart, enlightens our mind and inspires our body to express our unique vision. When we are aligned with universality to create our experience, the equilibrium of our being resonates with the energetic frequency of our soul.  This is our flow with the universe.  It is this omni-dimensional energy which empowers our flow and expression with the infinite stream of the universe.

“Our destiny in the New Era is being universality.”

Being in Flow (Published 8/26/2023)

“The only truth is the one we create.”

In March 2020, we were given a remarkable opportunity to shift the paradigm of human being, expression and existence.  A manmade virus infected us with widespread fear, driving us deeper into social and political anxiety, division, enslavement, judgement and isolation.  When the chaotic fervor of the pandemic settled, we regressed and acquiesced to the virtuality of social reality.  The webs of a new matrix were woven, enabling the dependency of its subscribers.  We wielded our fear and insecurity like a weapon against the opportunity of a lifetime. 

We all convince ourselves we are kind, loving and peaceful, though our thoughts and actions often exhibit our personal malevolence.  We believe we are a part of community, yet how can we exist as such when we cannot even be with ourselves?  Our oblivion to the projection of our anxieties, fears, hatred, insecurities and judgement is what deceives us away from our soul and into the self-centric snare of our ego.  We are programmed to interpret it as an expression of intelligence.  

Community is a gathering of people empowering and inspiring each other with support and sustenance.  The origin of authentic relatedness is our relativity with our soul.  Our universal being enlightens and enhances our earthly experience.  Transcending the neuroses of the mind and the habituation of the body empowers us to center our being into our heart and experience universality.  Our soul sources consciousness to express the flow of the universe.    

“Empowering our truth is our soul’s expression.”

Under the Sun: Ceremonial Awareness (Published 9/12/2023)

“For some, it is a way to pray.  For others, it is a way to prey.”

Contemporary prayer has become something often motivated by our external wants rather than empowered by our internal needs.  When we are honest, our prayers are often self-centered.  We spend much of our lives constructing artificial securities, defense mechanisms, financial wealth, professional positions, selective realities and social vanities with little to no regard for those beyond our individual peripheral of existence.  We either intentionally or obliviously bring the vanity and violence of society into ceremony. 

In many communities, there are some who observe others receiving admiration, distinction and leadership.  Their egos are attracted to this, which causes their exodus from prayer.   All who truly need to read these words will likely succumb to their cognitive dissonance, ego, pride and vanity.  They will claim it is not “them,” as they accuse, discredit and vilify the authenticity of others.  We exist in an egocentric society.  Our personal survival, success, health and wealth supersedes that of community.  Many carry this social conditioning into ceremony and prayer.  In this tradition, many of the ceremonies are a community prayer experienced in a circle. 

Spiritual leadership is not a dictatorial endeavor.  It is holding the space for others to make and experience their prayer in ceremony. When our ego influences and impacts our prayer, we experience only a fraction of the ceremony.  Every prayer is an intention to experience the natural progression of the ceremony.  Our commitment to pray must transcend our desire for personal convenience.  This empowers us with the ceremonial awareness to transform our experience and hold a space for others to do the same. 

“Prayer is a way of life.”

The “Unity” of Community (Published 10/7/2023)

“Communication in unity is the heart of community.”

Society is not a community.  It is an engineered system designed to produce human reactivity, employing multiple control mechanisms to extract our personal power.  Social reality is a complex matrix of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical traumatization.  When we conform to society, we sacrifice our relativity with our soul and the universe, repress our emotionality and fully integrate ourselves into the mind and body. 

We do not express universal awareness to the social impacts of our egocentric lifestyles.  We justify it with a necessity for survival, and “patriotize” it is an essential strategy to provide a better life for our children.  Our encounters with sense-based reality activate our mental endorphins to habituate us with dependency upon simulated, external gratification. 

Community is not about the quantity of people, but rather the quality of its relations.  All who stand to profit financially are the furthest from the spirit of communion.  Community originates from our soul’s relativity with the universe.  The more we experience ourselves, the best we experience others.  Our soul is empowered by the universe.  Its energy resonates with a unique vibrational frequency, transmitting universality through our intuition, into the centers of our being and empowering our heart. 

There is a vital distinction between the ideology and reality of “unity.”  Social interaction is primarily a peripheral encounter.  Community is empowered by the relation between our soul and the universe.  In a circle, there are no leaders.  Simply, unique beings who share their universality to the best of their ability.  The shift is each person embodying their unique energetic flow, collectively. 

“Communion with the universe is the soul of community.”

Universal Relativity (Published 10/28/2023)

“Interpretation is perception without observation.”

Beyond our institutional and social conditioning, we have our own personal programming.  Whether it is our defense mechanisms, individuation, societal integration or self-righteousness, our selective conditions inhibit our interpretation and perception.  When we decide not to practice awareness of our thoughts, they wander into obscure oblivion, composing assumption, criticism, judgement and interpretation.  When relationships become personalized and uncomfortable, we tend to talk with everyone but the person with whom we are in dispute.  Not all diversities of interpretation are “conflict.” Most are merely differences in perception. 

One of the greatest crimes against humanity occurs when we give our listening (power) to erroneous narratives about others; approving with our engagement, even though we disagree.  Many go the extra mile, and later feign empathy with the targeted individuals in a plea for clemency and conscience.  We do not observe social reality for what it is, we see it for what we desire.  Our perceptions are distorted; influenced and manipulated by all to whom we acquiesce our personal power.  Living in a three-dimensional paradigm is a paradox of being.  It confines us within the duality of thought and instinct.  In essence, society is the antithesis of universal being. 

Authentic relatedness does not exist in social reality.  Before it exists in society, it must thrive within us all.  This is the human schism between what we perceive and who we choose to be.  In this age of social media and artificiality, we opt for a multitude of virtual communication.  The personal conditioning we enact with our self-righteousness and vanity simulates our artificial contentment and security.  In social reality, our conscious behavior empowers us, and ultimately others, to fulfill our universal purpose.  Being an expression of our soul in every moment empowers us to embody universality; so that others may empower their own.   

“Relativity is the essence of universality.”

A Simple Choice (Published 11/18/2023)

“Truth is a foreign language, spoken by few and dismissed by many.”

Ample evidence exists in the alternative, mainstream and social mediums to reflect the cruelty, deception, manipulation, prejudice, supremacy and violence within contemporary society.  Oblivion has become our pastime.  We embody obscurity to desensitize ourselves from our traumatic encounters in society.  Every morning we awaken to the possibility of a new experience.  Yet, we tend to hop on the human treadmill headed for oblivion.  The information we consume is like a virus, infecting our instincts, thoughts, perspectives and emotions.  It is our weapon to defend our fear, insecurity, obsession and vanity. 

We invest only in what supplements our selective agendas, comforts, narratives and realities.  Amidst the numerous horrors and tragedies occurring in society, we engage in the “busy-ness” of our lives, as if nothing is happening.  Reality, as we experience it, is a holographic projection.  Its primary purpose is to discourage, disempower and distract us from the truth.  We engage in a societal simulation.  Everything in our daily encounters is an illusion, engineered to enslave us into a matrix of social psychoses. 

We may stoke the fires of our feelings and thoughts on social media to project our fleeting disdain with a variety of global inequities.  The stand we feign is diminished and distorted by our personal agenda, ego and vanity.  With the influences of our social conditioning and selective perceptions, our unconscious engagement in the paradigm of reality establishes the vicious cycles of our individualized matrix.  We are an expression of universal energy.  Yet, our relativity with our soul is wagered for social conformity.  The watermark of our madness is the exhibition of our entitlement.  The choice is to remain enslaved by our artificiality or create freedom by empowering our universality.  The former ends in finality, while the latter begins in eternity.  

“Choosing not to choose is a choice to live in oblivion.”

The Path of the Soul (Published 12/5/2023)

“We succumb to our fear because we fail to relate with our soul.”

Comments, likes and shares dictate what is heard, read and seen.  Popular culture destroys creativity, consciousness, transcendence and transformation.  Truth is a foreign language we dismiss due to its incompatibility with social reality.  We deny it out of existence with our selective beliefs, information, narratives and perceptions.  The superficial security blanket of social reality imprisons us into virtuality.  Our anxieties, fears and insecurities are embellished and internalized until they become our psychosis. 

We seek God in the direst of times.  For most of us, it takes an accident, deficit, harm, loss, scarcity or death to become present to experiences that transcend the triviality of social reality.   We are instinctually and intellectually tethered in duality to a three-dimensional paradigm.  Creating freedom from societal devices requires us to sever our engagement with the vicious cycles of virtuality.  In the simulation of society, we exist in a waking slumber, stumbling in the darkness of our selective oblivion; ever deluded, devalued, fearful, insecure and traumatized.

Our body and mind are simply applications our soul sources through our intuition and heart to navigate our way through the chaos, madness, narratives and psychoses of social reality.  The less we engage in social reality, the more we experience the universe and become an expression of our soul.  In this new era, we are either an emulation in the simulation or in relativity with universality.  Our universal path does not unfurl before us, it resonates within.  The path of the soul is empowering our human being with universality. 

“Our true path is one we create.”