In the Name of God

“God is a concept, by which we measure our pain.”

In the Beginning

We profess to know the origins of humanity from ancient civilizations based on history and science.  Yet, we fail to understand beyond academia.  The proof to confirm this statement is in our behavior and existence, particularly with each other, nature and the universe.  Centuries ago, a group of men conspired to write a book that would ultimately dictate to billions of people doctrines for righteousness.  Though for many, it is an egocentric endeavor. 

Many books have been written for this purpose.  However, through the generational imposition of religion, it has become the standard.  The Bible does not cause animosity, debate, prejudice and war.  It is those who use it as a control mechanism to proliferate the supremacy of their tradition.  Much like democracy, the vision of religion is sound, yet its reality has been nothing short of a nightmare.  So too is our belief in a singular God.   

“I don’t believe in magic.”

Sleight of Singularity

Nothing is one dimensional.  The universe is an expression of omnidimensionality. However, humanity clings to existential singularity for comfort, familiarity, knowledge and relativity.  When perceived through the socially institutionalized mind, it occurs as a linear timeline; quantified within a three-dimensional domain and often viewed through a filter of duality.  In this microcosmic paradigm, it is much easier to influence, manipulate and regulate the masses.

Before the organized control structures of the marketplace, politics and religion, early civilizations had a strong relativity with themselves, each other, nature and the universe.  Understanding existed before knowledge, mysticism before dogma and universality before reality.  When intelligence superseded the soul, men invented patriarchal singularity, thus diminishing the natural power of the feminine.  This matrix is rooted in our minds.

“I don’t believe in the Bible.”

Middlemen of Ministry

Religion spread like a virus across the world, guilting its followers with fire and brimstone and securing the segregation of civilization.  The people gathered in congregations, eagerly offering their loyalty, money and prayers.  They sacrificed their universal power on the altar of dogma with their blind faith, obedience and spiritual oblivion.  The cross stood as an obligatory symbol of enslavement to a vengeful God, enforced by middlemen of ministry.

To follow is societal.  To lead is tyrannical.  To be is universal.  Much is made of leadership in society.  Yet, when observed with veracity, its contemporary expression is dictatorship.  Most would opt to obey, as it appears to be the easiest path, considering the callous conditions of social reality.  Our evasion and renunciation of accountability, integrity and responsibility emboldens the middlemen of ministry; enabled by our fear, insecurity and oblivion.

“I don’t believe in Jesus.”

The Con of Belief

When we believe in something, it does not make it real.  No matter how attentively we direct our intention, it often fails to exist in a beneficial way; personally, socially or universally.  In essence, belief is a spiritual magic trick to separate us from our soul.  Social reality is designed to draw us away from ourselves.  It seizes our focus by siphoning our energy into our external environment, causing our spiritual deficiency, upon which the ministry preys.

The imposition of religion coerces us into the obligatory slavery of our soul.  The church weaponized the crucifixion to control, guilt, manipulate and condemn its disciples to a sentence of virtual salvation.  Religious persecution awaits anyone who dares challenge the Word of God, with all the fire and brimstone its ministers can muster.  The con of belief enforces the Will of God as an agenda of imaginary faith in a vain exhibition of righteousness.  

“I don’t believe in mantra.”

Congregational Dependence

Any organization exercising coercion, dogma or obligation as its stratagem is a cult.  This is certainly not exclusive to religion.  We can observe Cabals in the domains of business, media, politics, sports and science.  We justify our indoctrination by convincing ourselves it is for our benefit, growth, profit, success or survival, all the while strengthening our enslavement to social reality.  Orthodoxy is our dependency upon the simulation of society.   

The con is often the same.  One or a few leaders preside over the congregation.  What is absent is mutual trust.  One the individual person has with themselves, and the one the leader empowers upon their devotee to envision and create their own path.  However, this dynamic becomes toxic when driven by the egocentricity of the leader.  Yet, as much as the minister enforces their doctrine, the believer enables their spiritual slavery with their engagement.

“I don’t believe in kings.”

The Greatest Transgression

Many of the sins admonished by the middlemen of ministry are not as offensive as their blatant disregard for their own doctrine.  For centuries, religions have abused, chastised, demonized, exiled, imprisoned, persecuted and executed millions in the Name of God.  They built armies, decimated cultures, destroyed nature and propagated fear to turn the people against each other and themselves.  All for the purpose of preserving their religious racket to control the theology of the world.

Religion is a vicious cycle of sin, provoked and punished to segregate the people from their soul.  First, with an illustration of guilt when the disciple is shown the evil of their existence.  Second, an imposed obligation they must accept to remedy their wicked behavior.  Third, a feigned lifestyle of righteousness, to which they must aspire, yet will never fulfill.  Fourth, the sacrifice of their soul to a manmade God for passage into “Heaven.”    

“I just believe in me.”

In the Name of God

“God” is a commercial institution, blasphemed most by those who consider themselves “holy.”  We acquiesce our personal power to evade our accountability, integrity and responsibility as a universal being.  We even sacrifice our humanity to an imaginary divinity with our dependency on social conformity, popularity and vanity.  Religion is a vicious cycle of emulation that oppresses our discovery, empowerment and expression of universality.  

We are everything, and we are nothing.  All we sense about ourselves is an illusion, as is the social reality in which we engage.  It is our habitual belief in authoritarian deceptions which enables our social enslavement.  The greatest revelation we will ever experience occurs when we awaken from the religion of reality.  We have all been proselytized into a lie, invented by the few to enslave the many, all in the Name of God.          

“The dream is over.”

(All quotes taken from the song “God” by John Lennon.)

An Heir of Transcendence

“We are not who we are programmed to be.”

In Our Beginning

Howsoever we may assimilate ourselves into society, we are an expression of universal energy, unique to the resonance of our soul.  It is all we are before we are born into three-dimensionality.  During our birth, we experience a traumatic energy schism that segregates us from our spirit and the universe.  From infancy to childhood, we are still in flow with our soul.  That is, until we are conditioned by control, egocentricity, fear, insecurity, self-righteousness and vanity.  We are then besieged by institutional, hereditary, personal and social programming via education, entertainment, ideology, lineage, media, politics, religion and science.    

The Beginning of Our End

By the time we enter early adulthood, most of our institutionalization is complete.  Once this takes root, our personal and social programming commences.  We are even awarded for our conformity with certificates, degrees, doctorates and licenses; compartmentalized into careers and tethered to a pseudo-social paradigm.  Our pride and prejudice take precedence.  We enroll in the rank and file of humanity, charging into the simulation of an interactive, virtual reality.  We fill the empty spaces of our lives with activities, amusements, attachments, beliefs, dependencies, dramas, professions, possessions, status and wealth.  Unbeknownst to us, we have sealed the fate of our enslavement.

Sensual Simulation

Our lives are a sequence of circumstances, transpiring in a sensory artificiality.  This is the true reality we refuse to accept or understand.  We assign meaning and value to our encounters, feigning sanity with our social triviality.  We perform roles of personality, steeped in frequent confusion, delusion and illusion.  We amuse, dispute, gratify, fantasize, patriotize, romanticize and traumatize ourselves to escape a social normality that does not exist.  Then we wonder why we cannot relate with others, while we fail to experience relativity with ourselves.  The happiness and fulfillment we believe we have is a projection, enacted in a sensual simulation.

Crashing the Program

If our conditioning is not apparent in this new era, we have entirely enslaved ourselves into society with our personal delusion and oblivion.  Our reliance on external gratification, meaning and self-worth assimilates us into vicious cycles of acquiescence, compliance, dependency and lunacy.  We are eagerly devoted to our captivity, deciding to follow the regime of authoritarian entities and organizations, rather than pioneer our personal path to freedom.  The origin of our emancipation is our willingness to observe, clarify and dismantle our virtual tethers to society.  We must crash the programming of our sense-based existence to embody our soul.

“Humanity is a program in the simulation of social reality.”

All Things Shiny and Bright

Everything in our social reality is a holographic projection.  The scientific communities are aware of this eventuality, yet they neglect to report its proven evidence.  It does not serve the authoritarian agenda for societal control.  In essence, their funding would be revoked.  Money sponsors the matrix of reality.  Humanity is exploited and victimized by its conditioned dependence upon and obsession with monetary currency.  Our personal power originates from our soul; and our energy flows where our attention goes.  Therefore, the simulation stimulates our reactivity to extract our essence.  It is our engagement in society which enables our enslavement.

On the Threshold

Seldom do we express our soul amidst the chaos and dysfunction of society.  We may have fleeting epiphanies, insights and even the semblance of transformation.  Yet, it is impossible to observe and experience universality within the insular bubble of our egocentric existence.  Our necessity for control, order, routine and security confines our consciousness.  Occasionally, circumstances may remove us from our comfort zone to encounter life beyond our anxiety, doubt, fear, ignorance, insecurity and oblivion.  However, when we are on the threshold of universal discovery, we often yield, retreating to the refuge of our personal delusion; within the illusion we interpret as reality.

The Path Least Travelled

Most draw their distinction from society as an utterance of ego.  Few create this diversity as an expression of their soul.  Humanity has a propensity to sacrifice its universality for a peripheral occupation in the simulation of social reality.  We are an energetic expression of omni-dimensionality.  Yet, we condemn ourselves to a three-dimensional existence, sentenced with a life of dichotomy.  Our personal programming conditions us into social mimicry.  We are eternal beings with infinite possibility.  The path least travelled is our unique opportunity to discover and explore our creativity, diversity, relativity, transcendence, transformation and universality.  

Universal Currency

The currency of the universe is energy.  Our soul is its unique expression.  The synergy between the universe and our soul is universality.  Our intuition conducts this energy to the centers of our being.  The omni-dimensional energy torus in our heart center synthesizes our universality in an infinite flow.  The frequency of its revolutions establishes the energetic signature of our being.  Our heart center transmits this energy into electrical impulses, inspiring our neural pathways.  This is translated into energetic signals, which empower our body.  The omni dimensional expression of our being is the manifestation of our universality. 

An Heir of Transcendence

Social reality resonates on a dense-vibrational frequency.  It is engineered to enslave us into intellect and instinct.  We enable this dynamic with our engagement via our attachment and reactivity to social stimuli.  Our symbiosis with social reality alters, distorts and manipulates our being, diminishing our universal awareness into the primordial duality of sensualism.  The universal energetic shift of the new era empowers us to observe our enslavement, transform our experience and transcend the matrix of society.  Our collective birthright is to cross the threshold of human history and become an expression of universal mystery.

“Life is merely a program in the experience of transcendence.”

The Blind Spot

“Truth is a daydream in the illusion of reality.”

No Men in No Man’s Land

Integrity: “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness: the state of being whole and undivided.”  When we read this definition, the opening quote rings true.  We can feign it all we want.  However, when we contemplate our authenticity, it is as foreign to us as our soul.  We have an excess of bias, concepts, filters, interpretations, judgements, perspectives and programming.  So many perceptual preoccupations that manufacture our personal delusion.  We cannot see reality, nor truth for that matter.  Instead, we stumble around in the darkness of our individual oblivion.  We are enslaved by the stimuli of society; trapped in infinite, vicious cycles until our inevitable demise. 

The Tail of the Coyote

The coyote is a trickster who revels at pulling pranks on others.  Occasionally, he will chase his own tail and bite it.  Momentarily, it shocks him, then he attempts to solve the enigma of this abuse.  Eventually he realizes that it was indeed him that bit his own tail.  In time, the coyote chases his tail until he bites it again.  This happens over and over.  Until nature intervenes and interrupts his hysteria.  This is us! We are the tail, and our ego is the coyote.  Although this by no means is a flattering fable, it is a true portrayal of humanity.  There is only one difference between the coyote and us: we have severed our connection with the natural world.  We neglect to exercise oversight and free ourselves from the patterns of our egocentricity.

Cheaters and Lest

Instead of learning lessons from our setbacks and revealing insights to shift into a new way of being, we often strategize for an angle, looking up the answers instead of establishing our own.  We are socially conditioned for instant gratification.  We call this “success,” then move onto the next achievement.  Recently, a college football team in my area won a championship.  However, a few weeks into the season, they were caught in an elaborate cheating scandal.  The league levied multiple violations on the program.  When I mentioned this fact to some of my friends who are fans, they dismissed it as “fake news.”  I observed how strong their delusion was in defense of their team.  This is the equivalent of Trump supporters insisting the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen.

The Power of Narrative

Alternative and mainstream media reports biased, agenda-driven opinions about current events.  Our information sources are no longer factual, they are editorial.  Narrative has been distorted by agendas to influence the ideologies and perceptions of society.  To whichever side we may gravitate: Democrat/Republican, Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine, religious/spiritual, vaccinated/unvaccinated or this team/that team, we are pawns upon a global chessboard of control, power and profit.  Believing our vote, faith, politics, vaccination status or sports fandom bears any social authority is our personal delusion, within the illusion we misinterpret as “reality.”  The power of narrative deceives the world.

“Disingenuity is our social disease.”

The Cult of Society

Every day, we engage in social addictions via entertainment, media, politics, religion, sports and otherwise.  When we sacrifice our conscience, empathy, intelligence, morality, relativity and understanding for superficial fellowship, we subscribe to the cult of society.  Corporations, entities and organizations broadcast ideology, indoctrination, rhetoric and propaganda.  They proliferate synthetic information, intelligence, faith, health, spirituality, success and wealth, all within the social conformity of a congregational environment.  Those who pander a “one truth for all” program are simply pyramid schemes exploiting popular belief as a cover for their cult.    

Badge of Honor

Through our personal and social institutionalization, we are conditioned to sacrifice our dignity upon society’s altar of ego. We desensitize ourselves from the horrific realism in which we are enslaved.  It is a human standard to sever our relativity with our heart, soul and the universe, as we engage in and endure social reality.  Our individual oblivion sustains the customized bubble in which we defend our ignorance, pride and prejudice.  We justify ourselves with our repressed malevolence in the toxic environment of a violent, hierarchical society.  Then we lionize and patriotize our inhumane behavior as our badge of honor, with our arrogance, entitlement and self-righteousness.

The Real World

In The Matrix, Morpheus reveals to Neo the illusion in which he was enslaved.  He shows him the “real world,” a wasteland of destruction, where machines harvest energy from millions of humans encased in pods.  We do not want to be introduced to the real world.  We see, hear, feel and sense only what indulges our dependencies.  What we most desire is the illusion.  Quite literally, we are “living the dream.”  Our denial is so paramount, we defend sinister corporations, entities, governments and organizations who control, enslave and manipulate us.  The real world is consumption, disease, delusion, failure, pain, violence and war.  For all the truth we could express, illusion is what we enable.

Wake Up!

Since adolescence, I had always felt as though there was something severely wrong with society.  When I became aware of the smoke and mirror show that is “reality,” I was enraged.  Over the last few decades, I have become more present to its deception.  I learned how to transform my anger into creativity, and ultimately consciousness.  I awakened from my daydream, clarified the nature of reality and became an expression of my truth.  This transformation has taken longer than my institutional, personal and social programming.  We have lived our whole lives in our delusion, within the illusion of society.  Before we free ourselves from the simulation, we must wake up to the reality of our truth.

The Reality of Truth

There are over seven billion truths in the world.  Our personal truth is meant for us alone to embody and express.  We will never discover it in the congregational domains of amusement, education, media, politics, religion or science.  These are all just social vortices that divert us from our destiny.  The greatest truth we will ever experience is our soul.  It is our relativity with the universe.  Our prosaic personality is the blasphemy of our universal being.  When we delude ourselves into seeking our truth in reality, we exile ourselves from universality.  It is a unique path we must pioneer with consciousness, creativity, purpose, transformation, will and understanding.  The reality of our truth transcends our triviality.

The Blind Spot of Oblivion

Oblivion to our soul abolishes our energetic flow with the universe.  Social manipulation is the watermark of our progression.  Evolution does not exist in society.  Only the simulated procession of time that passes as maturity beneath the gravity of age.  The artificiality of our social reality is the bane of our existence.  It consumes our consciousness with the singular purpose of soul extinction.  We are overwhelmed with social stimuli, which enslaves us with our own anxiety, disease, fear, insecurity, pain and trauma.  We adopt our victimization by investing in an illusion, and engaging in a society that distorts, exploits and extracts our energy.  Our personal delusion is the blind spot of our oblivion.

“Transcending our oblivion is the origin of our awakening.”

Any Color You Like

“Gender identity is only a facet of who we are.”

Gender Bender

Much has been made about how we identify with ourselves.  This person is a man, and that person is a woman.  Anything outside of the socio-physio realities of our masculinity or femininity is often condemned, discouraged, judged, mistaken and ridiculed.  The fear and insecurity of humanity exhibits feigned attempts at acceptance, love, peace and understanding.  Even when it has no direct impact or influence on the antagonist(s), we strive to degrade gender diversity out of existence.  Society may never be ready to acknowledge, approve or empower a transcendent experience with its sexuality.  Being is much more than just identifying as a man, woman or otherwise.

The Era of Balance

During the pandemic, I chose the opportunity available for all of us to go within and align, center, ground and relate with universality.  In my experiences, I discovered and embraced the multidimensionality of being to bring equilibrium within and fulfill a profound relativity with my soul.  This is not to declare I shifted into a different gender.  It is to articulate we all have male, female and transcendental elements of our being, regardless of our physical manifestation.  Whether or not society chooses to accept the recent revelations of gender diversity, we are in the evolutionary progression of the Age of Aquarius.  The era of universal balance.   

Archaic Existence

Patriarchal men need not fear that women will rule the world.  Yet, this is probably a good idea, given the destruction mankind manifests in its quest for egocentricity, supremacy and worth.  Primarily, men are aggressive, brutal, competitive, primeval and obtuse.  These masculine qualities have oppressed women into amity, empathy, nativity and passivity.  Toxic masculinity and femininity are instinctual, intellectual and emotional epidemics, condemning men and women into a one-dimensional existence within the social paradigm of duality.  We sever our relativity with our soul when we sentence ourselves to the singularity of gender identity.

Unfulfilled Intimacy

Our relativity is not only expressed in how we connect with others, but in how we relate with ourselves.  Engaging in personal and social intimacy is often a material and peripheral encounter.  When we consider all the physical, mental and emotional conditions we bring to our relationships, rarely is it ever a fulfilling experience.  Given the lackadaisical awareness many express in their relations, it is not surprising that contemporary sexuality results in toxicity.  When we attempt to fill our personal void vicariously through another, we become a vortex.  The loneliness we feel with our significant other is often far worse than the one we endure alone.  

“Embodying our soul empowers our relations.”

The Toxicity of Gender

Many tend to camouflage themselves with the social shield of their physical gender.  As we mature, we till our personal roots deeper into man or womanhood, accepting a life sentence of one-dimensionality.  Our oblivion to the universal nature of our complimentary sexualities becomes suppressed, further complicating the fulfillment of our being and our relations.  An unbalanced male may project the aggression of anger, competition, judgement, machismo and strategy, while an imbalanced female may retreat into the passivity of drama, helplessness, hopelessness, oversensitivity and resignation.  Embodying a singular gender identification is a suppression of transcendental being.  

Over the Rainbow

Gender diversity has exploded throughout society.  Many may feign acceptance, empathy and understanding with alternative communities to be “socially correct.”  For others, declaring sexual diversity is an evolutionary expression of being. Though these discoveries are ringing in a global revolution of sexuality, our destiny is to establish our unique balance, and transcend the boundaries of gender to become a universal being.  Both men and women have masculinity, femininity and divinity.  Equilibrium within creates the foundation upon which our relativity with the universe is experienced through our heart and intuition.  We are not one delineation, we are all.

A Balanced Being

When men accept their femininity and women embrace their masculinity, universal balance is established in our heart center.  This allows us to be present to our intuition and soul.  Without this symmetry, we cannot become an expression of universality.  The energy of the universe is ever transforming, empowering us to evolve, expand and progress.  We are universal beings having human experiences.  The universe empowers us to embody our omnidimensionality.  When we are related with our soul, in flow with our intuition and centered in our heart, we are a balanced being of universality.

A Personal Shift

For the last few years, I have become more intimated with universality.  This relativity is very distinct from gender identification.  The experience transcends masculinity, femininity and sexuality.  The balance of all creates a being within to express universal energy.  As a man, I observe my anger, bias, negativity, reactivity and violence.  When my expression is universal being, I experience calm, clarity, positivity, proactivity and tranquility.  By no means is this a profession of perfection.  For me, it is a personal shift of balancing all elements of my being to create relativity with my soul and be in the energetic flow of universality. This transcends the boundaries of gender identity. 

Any Color You Like

Human perception is steeped in black and white.  In the wake of this duality, our perceptions often turn gray.  The patriarchy vilifies the rainbow as a representation of deviant sexuality.  In the eyes of society, transcendent expressions of being are exiled beneath the gravity of social transgression.  The toxicity of gender one-dimensionality projects fear and insecurity, condemning us to the enslavement of identity singularity.  This new era is our opportunity to release our personal and social programming to express our totality. A balanced being is not about identifying as a singular gender.  It is the empowerment and embodiment of our soul.

“We are an expression beyond imagination.”

A Simple Choice

“There is a vital distinction between being human and human being.”

Across the Great Divide

Ample evidence exists in the alternative, mainstream and social mediums to reflect the cruelty, deception, manipulation, prejudice, supremacy and violence within contemporary society.  These characteristics can be best observed in the societal conditioning of belief, heredity, ideology, lifestyle, opinion, politics and theory.  The social reality we enable with our engagement is a dream within an illusion, within a nightmare.  One from which most never awaken.  The duplicity of our daily encounters and our linear awareness, perception and understanding enslaves us into the sophisticated matrix of social reality.

The Cost of Oblivion

Some say oblivion is bliss.  Until the escapism in which we enroll is overpowered by the reality we attempt to avoid.  Whether it is amusement, education, entertainment, media, politics or religion, we cannot evade the truth of ourselves, even amidst the mayhem of the current reality.  Oblivion has become our pastime.  We embody obscurity to desensitize ourselves from our traumatic encounters in society.  It is our evasion of accountability and authenticity with our actions, behaviors, emotions, thoughts and words.  Ultimately, we detach from our heart and soul, allowing ourselves to invoke and project the toxicity of our unconscious malevolence.   

Something Wicked This Way Comes

We need to look no further than current events to take a pulse of humanity.  With the extremity of radical interpretations and perceptions, it is evident society is in a dark age of arrogance, competition, control, entitlement, fear, judgment, negligence, superficiality and vanity.  The selective lifestyles we enact, be they preoccupied with the trivialities of career, consumption, disease, domesticity, routine, wealth, tradition and toxicity, bring us closer to our premature demise.  Every morning we awaken to the possibility of a new experience.  Yet, we tend to hop on the human treadmill headed for oblivion.    

Viral Information

We do not “know” anything.  Our selective perceptions and realities blind us to what is really happening in the world.  Institutionalized information via education, history, media, politics, religion and science, conditions us to abide by what authoritarian entities and organizations enforce and impose.  When someone challenges these societal programs, the indoctrinated cry “conspiracy theory!” and demean, discredit and destroy all who deviate from the social norm.  The information we consume is like a virus, infecting our instincts, thoughts, perspectives and emotions.  It is our weapon to defend our fear, insecurity, obsession and vanity.

“Truth is a foreign language, spoken by few and dismissed by many.”

Reality Colored Vision

We invest only in what supplements our selective agendas, comforts, narratives and realities.  Amidst the numerous horrors and tragedies occurring in society, we engage in the “busy-ness” of our lives, as if nothing is happening.  We choose to deny the existence of abuse, death, disease, hate, genocide, inequality, injustice and war in defense of our superficiality to safeguard ourselves and our family.  With our conditioned perceptions, we invent fairy tales to whitewash the malevolence of social reality, then impose them on our children to avoid the trials and tribulations of the truth.  Our self-righteousness supersedes our conscience.  

The Dream Within the Dream

Reality, as we experience it, is a holographic projection.  Its primary purpose is to discourage, disempower and distract us from the truth.  We engage in a societal simulation.  Everything in our daily encounters is an illusion, engineered to enslave us into a matrix of social psychoses.  Our belief in the charade makes it our personal delusion.  Our inauthenticity, irresponsibility, and self-righteousness enable our linear captivity.  Wealth and vanity are the dangling carrots to ensure our engagement, and the proliferation of social reality.  Every day, we sacrifice our souls upon the altar of society for a fantasy of fame and fortune.    

The Stand We Feign

Whatever reaction we select to focus our contempt upon the numerous social injustices we encounter, our protests wane with the absence of our vision, devotion, intention and expression.  We may stoke the fires of our feelings and thoughts on social media to project our fleeting disdain with a variety of global inequities.  Yet, the fulfillment we desire and the difference we intend always misses the mark.  In essence, we fail to land our purpose, simply because the longevity of our commitment is compromised by our desire for instant gratification.  The stand we feign is diminished and distorted by our personal agenda, ego and vanity.  

Vicious Cycles of Reality

With the influences of our social conditioning and selective perceptions, our unconscious engagement in the paradigm of reality establishes the vicious cycles of our individualized matrix.  We are confined in a digital, interactive network defined as society.  Our oblivion to the full scope of its artificiality enables its existence, as well as our enslavement in its virtual program.  It is what we choose to believe is “real.”  Everything we encounter in social reality is stimuli designed to provoke our reactivity.  Our personal power is acquiesced when we engage.  We focus our attention (energy) on the dream to evade reality at the cost of our truth.    

The Entitlement of Life

We are born into a three-dimensional construct and conditioned with a two-dimensional awareness.  We are an expression of universal energy.  Yet, our relativity with our soul is wagered for social conformity.  As we mature, we learn all the nuances of how to distort and manipulate the societal system to serve our selective desire.  We call this success, massaging our egos and pride while the world burns down around us.  We could not care less about what happens to the rest of humanity.  We simply want to be amused, deluded, exalted and gratified.  The watermark of our madness is the exhibition of our entitlement.  

A Simple Choice

Generations of social enslavement have brought us to this vital era of vision, epiphany, revelation and transformation.  Relativity, truth and understanding are more prevalent than ever.  The current universal energetic shift is our opportunity to empower and embody our unique expression.  Within the domains of business, finance, health, media, politics, religion, science and war, we are conditioned to be victims of society.  Social reality is a simulation of artificiality.  Our oblivion to its influence seals our inevitable fate.  The choice is to remain enslaved by our artificiality or create freedom by empowering our universality.  The former ends in finality, while the latter begins in eternity.  

“Choosing not to choose is a choice to live in oblivion.”

Ghosting the Soul: The Virtuality of Life

“Everything we experience in social reality is a simulation.”

Heredity of Maturity

All of us are afflicted with the social psychosis of adulthood.  When we were younger, we observed our elder relatives as the standard of maturity.  Many of us followed a similar path they did with a plethora of indoctrination, institutionalization and programming. We assumed the role of a qualified, respectable and responsible member of society.  All the while, our soul, intuition and heart were dissected, oppressed and abandoned, sacrificed for namesake, status and wealth.  Yet, it did not pan out in a way that empowered, evolved and fulfilled us.  We simply conditioned ourselves to become a variation of our parents.

A Bitter Pill

When we acquiesce to the currents of social reality, we emulate ourselves as projections of personality.  Oftentimes, when someone presents alternative topics, cognitive dissonance rises in all whom have logged a lifetime of social programming.  When we encounter diverse viewpoints, we are conditioned to resist releasing old ideologies for a transcendent vision.  Universality, to our fixed, linear perception, causes a personal paradox, crashing our regimen of knowledge, history and relativity.  Our arrogance and ignorance defensively flex in a feigned attempt to appease our pursuits for an artificial sense of security. 

Believe It or Not

With all of social reality’s narratives, manipulation, prejudice, propaganda and rhetoric, it is nearly impossible to distinguish one’s unique, personal truth from society’s chaotic symphony of lunacy.  Eventually, we accept and apply biased, social deceptions to our behavior, ideology, intelligence and lifestyle.  When we are confronted by the diversity of another’s experience, our defense mechanism is to debate, discredit, demean, ridicule and ostracize them with our unbridled fear and ignorance. We enable our self-righteousness at the cost of genuine belonging, expression and understanding.  Our distrust of others is simply illustrative of our disbelief in ourselves.       

Matrix of Enslavement

For a decade, I have been writing about the intricacies of how we are enslaved by social reality.  Whether or not we choose to observe that entities, governments and organizations impose a virtual matrix to enslave humanity is irrelevant.  If we do not see it now, then we simply are not paying attention.  We are too preoccupied with its triviality. Our fear denies and devalues our soul, diminishing and destroying our personal power.  As unbearable as it may seem to be with and accept alternative perceptions, our greatest quality is to embrace diversity.  Our universal purpose is consciousness, creativity, evolution, freedom and transformation.   

“Many of us know how we exist, few of us understand who we are.”

Human Aquarium 

Social reality to us is like water to the fish.  Because we are assimilated, we fail to see how detrimental it is to our experience.  We do not sense it; therefore, we fall prey to its influence.  We interpret it as “reality,” then move on to its next simulation of social bliss.  Our sporadic attention spans enslave us into the vicious cycle of momentary gratification, governed by our desires, obligations, routines and reveries.  The exploitation of amusement, education, media, politics and religion corners us into delusion, diversion, indifference and uncertainty, as we spiral out of consciousness into the vortex of existence.  Social reality is the artificial boundary of the human aquarium.     

Immaterial Purpose

Our greatest epidemic is our monetary dependency.  Social programming desensitizes us to the influence and impacts of our oblivious proliferation of greed.  Fiscal endeavors can be perceived and achieved in many ways, yet none supersedes the egocentricity of earning more at the cost of others.  The dynamics of business have become an acceptable, common standard for competition and conquest.  The ultra-wealthy’s gluttonous addictions and psychoses perpetually push the boundaries of global economic collapse.  The rest of us enable our enslavement with our participation in their engineered marketplace.

Ghosting the Soul

We are phantoms of our universality.  During our social indoctrination, we willingly sever our connection with our soul, intuition and heart for conformity.  Beyond the fullest extent of our apathy, cognitive dissonance, cynicism, denial, intelligence, mystification and victimization, we are the shadow of our soul.  Our fear manipulates us to “ghost” ourselves.  We hide behind the defenses of our personalities, emulating the worst of humanity and acquiescing the best.  We are an idiom of reactivity, yielding our power to everyone and everything, beneath the veiled, social threat of being held accountable, authentic and benevolent. 

Silent Partners

There are millions of dedicated, altruistic people, both on and beyond the world, who send energy, healing and prayers to all.  It does not matter how educated we are, our ideology, politics, religion or status.  We can always receive the universal energy of being, healing and love.  How we choose to accept and apply it to our life is entirely up to us.  Maybe we believe we do not need another’s help.  Maybe we believe it is an expression of weakness, trusting others for guidance, support and relativity.  The eternal question I would ask, “how is that working?”  In an egocentric, social reality, we know it may.  When empowered by our universality, we understand it does not.

The Power of Choice

We make millions of decisions in our lifetime, yet these are distinct from choices.  Surviving is a daily, instinctual decision we all make.  Thriving is a conscious choice only a few fulfill.  Will we continue to settle for the insanity of doing things over and over again with a same result?  Will we break this vicious cycle and choose to transcend the enslavement of social reality?  Will we embrace and express the multidimensional energy of our universality?  Every moment is an opportunity to transform our being. Choosing to shift our experience is the key to our freedom. All it requires of us is to align and relate with our soul.   

The Virtuality of Life

Everything we experience in social reality is an illusion.  This is not to say nothing is true. It simply does not exist within the virtuality of “life.”  No matter how excruciating it is to accept this truth, we cannot transcend our enslavement without being free from the simulation. Being, consciousness, creativity, empowerment, evolution, understanding and transformation do not survive in social reality.  They thrive in the synergy between the universe and our soul, when our mind and body resonate with the energetic frequencies of our intuition and heart.  This equilibrium is essential in becoming an expression of universality.  It is our soul destiny.

“Virtuality is how we exist.  Universality is who we are.”

Source and the Mediacracy

“Mainstream media is a crime against humanity.”

Broadcast Controversy

Six corporations control the global mainstream media.  The editorialization of information has proliferated dogma, propaganda and rhetoric, driven by our selective inclinations.  The news is not a broadcast of factual data to maintain our relativity with the pulse of current events.  It is opinion, propagated by commercial agendas to deceive, distort and manipulate perception.  Ratings, clicks, comments, likes and shares determine the information we receive.  Advertising and entertainment are methods of conditioning, utilized to delude, distract and pacify the masses.  Yet, we eagerly assemble around our devices to feign social intelligence.

Mainlining Mediacracy

Cell phones, computers, tablets and television screens are the modern projectors of artificiality, receiving and transmitting toxic electromagnetic energy to the user and their environment.  Our fascination with their functionality has distorted our perception, causing an excess of social psychoses.  It is an epidemic of oblivion, inhibiting our way of being, consciousness, destiny, evolution and universality.  We are biological and psychological software programs, coded to accept the laws of reality as the rule of life.  When this is challenged, we defend and enable its existence with our social programming. 

Media Matrix

Our frequency of interaction with the media matrix is the degree of our programming.  We are conditioned into a simulated lifestyle, congruent with our self-exposure to social medium.  All things begin with energy.  The energetic signature of the mainstream media is artificial, intense and negative, inciting and spreading fear.  Our instincts become prone to anxiety with the virtual threat of a pending doom.  We are inundated with intellectual information, coding our neural pathways into vicious cycles of arrogance, entitlement and egocentricity.  Our emotional awareness is distorted and diminished, separating us from our intuition, soul and the universe.

Soul Sacrifice

Our coding is wired with the fear of losing what little control, possession, status, security and vanity we believe we have.  Yet, we willingly surrender our personal power at every opportunity.  We endure reality instead of empower experience, collecting whatever fleeting memory we can capture.  We wager our authenticity, enlightenment and fulfillment for social superficiality.  All the while convincing ourselves intelligence, knowledge, productivity, reputation and wealth are the standards of happiness.  Meanwhile, our body and mind deteriorate with the absence of our heart, intuition and soul. 

“The mainstream media imposes awareness; the universe empowers consciousness.”

Enabling Enslavement

All forms of media desensitize us to the horrors of human existence.  Whether it is war, genocide, environmental annihilation, inequality and injustice, class, cultural or racial superiority, our exposure is excessively toxic.  We are socially assimilated into competition, debate and division, where we invest our focus and energy into a surplus of social terrors, enabling their realities.  These atrocities persist due to our obsessive tendencies for egocentricity.  When we become disinterested, distracted or indifferent, we simply scroll or swipe our screen for a more desireable flavor of artificiality. 

Totalitarian Programming

Our social programming is so gradual, we are unable and/or unwilling to trace its momentum.  It is even more challenging to discover and observe its course.  We acquiesce our personal power with our engagement in the paradigm of the mediacracy.  If our enslavement was accelerated, many of us would notice and cause an uprising.  This is the primary purpose why its progression is at a snail’s pace, to control our personal perception and prevent our freedom.  We simply fail to acknowledge its influence and impact. We are preoccupied by an elaborate system of desire, delusion, diversion and exploitation.  Therefore, we are oblivious to the atrocities we enable with our participation. 

The Means Justify the End

The design of our enslavement is evident.  Harness our attention with engineered information.  Destroy our personal power within the environmental vortex of society.  Provoke and maintain our fear, herding us into authoritarian dependence.  Condition us to police each other under the threat of social punishment and ridicule.  Program our obedience with mere survival to satiate our angst.  Keep us distracted and preoccupied with a steady stream of amusement, debate, pre-planned global events and societal shifts, all while abolishing our basic freedoms and rights.  We are indoctrinated to invest in social reality more than ourselves.

Choose Your Illusion

Where we aim our attention is where we express our energy.  It defines our experience.  We are conditioned to engage in the vacuum of disempowering realities, imposed upon us by authoritarian entities and organizations, existing as banks, corporations, education and religious institutions, governments and political parties.  They diminish our personal intention and power by transmuting the energy we invest with our participation into sustaining our individual enslavement.  The payoff we receive is our anger, apathy, indifference, naïveté and self-righteousness.  Mainstream media feeds our insatiable appetites with content customized for our oblivious consumption.   

The Currency of Reality

Since we are in the simulation of social reality, we are blind to the profundity of its exploitation, influence, impact and programming.  Furthermore, we choose to refute its existence, believing our willful denial will somehow prevent its inevitability.  Where we focus our attention is not just where our energy is expressed, it is also where we acquiesce our personal power.  What is our greatest inconvenient truth?  We alone cause and enable our enslavement.  Knowing, let alone understanding, we are the cause of our social oppression is the vital epiphany empowering our freedom.

Transcendental Shift

We are given infinite opportunities to sever our tether with the mediacracy and social reality.  Every day we have the choice to tune out from the peripheral programming and tune into our soul by listening to our intuition.  Who we are is established by the quality of our source.  Awareness of current events and their engineered complexities may harvest knowledge of society.  However, consciousness empowers understanding, manifesting our universal experience of being.  When we are enamored with the bells and whistles of the mediacracy, we are only emulating artificiality.  When we are related with our soul, we are sourced by the universe.      

Universal Source

Our soul and the universe are one.  Our intuition resonates with the energy of our universality.  This synergy between the universe and our soul empowers us to transcend the duality of the mediacracy.  Our heart center enlightens our mind and enlivens our body with this energy to transform us, our environment and social reality.  Breaking the vicious cycle of artificiality is our common purpose.  Creating our unique experience is our personal destiny.  When we observe, understand, express and embody our universality, we are one with all.  Everything else is opinion.   

“Streaming universality is the source of conscious experience.”

“Communicate Your Freedom” Interview with Lorenzo from The New Agora/The New Now and Campbell from Autodidactic

Communication is key to everything in life, I would say. Especially the communications we have with ourselves. It does one no good to lie to themselves about anything for any reason. Unless or course your intent is to live in delusion, in which case, by all means, you should continue to exist in a fug of lies. Going within, though, to discover what Freedom means for you would be essential to finding your ‘Life’s Lost Purpose’. – Lorenzo Malowane

The New Agora

Autodidactic Hub Page

The Artificiality of Social Reality

“Social reality is the invention of our enslavement.”

Webs of Deception

There is a bitter pill we all must swallow.  We exist in a social simulation, sustained by our reactivity and replicated by our engagement.  It does not matter where we may rank in the seemingly hierarchical, pyramid scheme of human society, we are all enslaved into a network of institutionally programmed existence.  There is no escape. Whether we are a billionaire with six houses and twelve cars, or living in poverty, we are all victimized by an elaborate social matrix designed to imprison and oppress. When we adopt and engage in social reality, it is inevitable we will acquiesce our personal experience and power to our collective conformity. 

The Echo of Life

Most of us eagerly relinquish our aspirations, creativity, inspiration, potential and vision in a misguided quest to claim our meager portion of artificiality.  This has become human nature, a maturation process to cast aside what empowers for what enslaves.  Once this transference is complete, we drift into the echo of life.  We meet our mate, have children, hold a career and preoccupy ourselves with the amusement of our desire, entertainment, media, politics, religion, sports and social events in a vain attempt to belong and be fulfilled.  Then we retire and die.  For many, this is a favorable outcome.  Yet, for some, it is the epitome of hell.

Entitlement and Expectation

We do not deserve anything.  Just because we are born into this experience does not give us the right or reason to dominate, manipulate and propagate.  We seize and decimate the natural world with the consequences of our addictions, appetites, civilizations, conditions, lifestyles and technologies.  We are programmed to believe the world is ours to conquer, control, influence and destroy, all with arrogant abandon.  It is our oblivion to the extremity of our entitlement and expectation which causes the gravest destruction both within and without.  These two inherent qualities are what leads to our eventual decline and extinction.

Decision or Choice

The vital element in the human experience is the distinction between what we decide and what we choose.  In my perspective, decisions are often accidental and unconscious reactions to the circumstances we encounter. They encourage us to minimize the impact of an uncontrollable result, while enabling our fear and insecurity.  When we survive, we believe we grow from it, yet it often provokes further personal and social evasion and exclusivity.  Whereas choice is a conscious expression made before challenges arise, creating empowering and fulfilling outcomes.  Choice inspires us to transcend reality and thrive, aligning us with ourselves and the universe.

“We cannot discover truth within reality.”

Behind the Mask

When the world went sideways over two years ago, we were instructed to wear masks for prevention and protection.  I noticed how our identity, humanity, individuality and value was erased via a health strategy, which proved to yield a low rate of efficacy.  I found it fascinating how people responded to this directive.  There were those who eagerly adopted the mask mandate, and those who defiantly refused.  In my observation, there is an interesting correlation between the two.  It appeared all whom chose to comply tended to be institutionalized, narrow-minded and private.  Whereas all whom chose not to obey were diversified, open-minded and self-expressive. 

The Vanity of Self-Righteousness

Any alternative perception can be analyzed, condemned, refuted and vilified.  There is a massive audience of people feigning “fact,” “intelligence” and “science” to discredit anything contrary to mainstream media propaganda.  It is one thing to believe in rhetoric.  It is another to impose it upon others, thus preserving our personal fears, insecurities and self-righteousness.  Being right is an inherent trait we adopt to safeguard the bubble of reality in which we imprison ourselves.  In a world rife with authoritarian sociopaths wielding control, influence, manipulation and power, it is beneficial to find the vein of truth in the illusion of reality.

The Virus of Society

In the movie “The Matrix,” Agent Smith explains to Morpheus, “I’d like to share a revelation I had during my time here.  It came to me when I tried to classify your species.  I realized you’re not actually mammals.  Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops an equilibrium with its surrounding environment.  But you humans do not.  You move to an area, and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed.  The only way you can survive is to spread to another area.  There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern.  A virus.  Human beings are a disease, the cancer of this planet.  You are a plague.”

The Cure of Humanity

Sometimes the most powerful truth comes from the villain.  Unfortunately, our common social perception demonizes who we identify as the antagonist.  Yet, when we observe history with a discerning vision, we will see how often the adversary made a difference and shifted the world.  Humanity is its own virus and cure.  The outcome is based upon who we choose to be.  When we succumb to inclinations of consumption, mimicry, oblivion, toxicity and self-righteousness, we perpetuate a virus.  When we evolve, transform and transcend our inherent social natures, we empower ourselves and others as a cure.

The Black Hole

We all live within the vacuum of social reality.  It is a vortex which seizes our attention, creativity, energy, expression, focus, intention, passion, possibility and potential.  Yet, it is not sustained by some covert, authoritarian entity or organization.  Under the influence of social conditioning and programming, our personal power has been diminished, distorted, manipulated and transferred to maintain the black hole of social reality.  All whom have dark intentions cajole, hijack and utilize the energy, effort and resources of others to impose their agendas, strategies and endgames. All the while, we bury our empowerment and enlightenment in the rotten soil of our ego, fear and self-righteousness.

The Bitter Truth

Beyond the familial and social bubbles of our existence, we simply do not care.  We delude ourselves to believe we do.  The bitter truth?  Our focus is on our self and our immediate circle of family and friends.  (The latter can most certainly be debated!) We feign amity, appreciation, belonging, gratitude, relativity and respect for others because we do not express these qualities for ourselves.  The last few years have been an opportunity for us to go within and embrace the extraordinary natures of our heart, intuition and soul, to align with the universe and become its expression.  Severing our tether to social reality empowers us to break its vicious cycle and embody universal truth.

“We are free from social reality when we become an expression of truth.”