Source and the Mediacracy

“Mainstream media is a crime against humanity.”

Broadcast Controversy

Six corporations control the global mainstream media.  The editorialization of information has proliferated dogma, propaganda and rhetoric, driven by our selective inclinations.  The news is not a broadcast of factual data to maintain our relativity with the pulse of current events.  It is opinion, propagated by commercial agendas to deceive, distort and manipulate perception.  Ratings, clicks, comments, likes and shares determine the information we receive.  Advertising and entertainment are methods of conditioning, utilized to delude, distract and pacify the masses.  Yet, we eagerly assemble around our devices to feign social intelligence.

Mainlining Mediacracy

Cell phones, computers, tablets and television screens are the modern projectors of artificiality, receiving and transmitting toxic electromagnetic energy to the user and their environment.  Our fascination with their functionality has distorted our perception, causing an excess of social psychoses.  It is an epidemic of oblivion, inhibiting our way of being, consciousness, destiny, evolution and universality.  We are biological and psychological software programs, coded to accept the laws of reality as the rule of life.  When this is challenged, we defend and enable its existence with our social programming. 

Media Matrix

Our frequency of interaction with the media matrix is the degree of our programming.  We are conditioned into a simulated lifestyle, congruent with our self-exposure to social medium.  All things begin with energy.  The energetic signature of the mainstream media is artificial, intense and negative, inciting and spreading fear.  Our instincts become prone to anxiety with the virtual threat of a pending doom.  We are inundated with intellectual information, coding our neural pathways into vicious cycles of arrogance, entitlement and egocentricity.  Our emotional awareness is distorted and diminished, separating us from our intuition, soul and the universe.

Soul Sacrifice

Our coding is wired with the fear of losing what little control, possession, status, security and vanity we believe we have.  Yet, we willingly surrender our personal power at every opportunity.  We endure reality instead of empower experience, collecting whatever fleeting memory we can capture.  We wager our authenticity, enlightenment and fulfillment for social superficiality.  All the while convincing ourselves intelligence, knowledge, productivity, reputation and wealth are the standards of happiness.  Meanwhile, our body and mind deteriorate with the absence of our heart, intuition and soul. 

“The mainstream media imposes awareness; the universe empowers consciousness.”

Enabling Enslavement

All forms of media desensitize us to the horrors of human existence.  Whether it is war, genocide, environmental annihilation, inequality and injustice, class, cultural or racial superiority, our exposure is excessively toxic.  We are socially assimilated into competition, debate and division, where we invest our focus and energy into a surplus of social terrors, enabling their realities.  These atrocities persist due to our obsessive tendencies for egocentricity.  When we become disinterested, distracted or indifferent, we simply scroll or swipe our screen for a more desireable flavor of artificiality. 

Totalitarian Programming

Our social programming is so gradual, we are unable and/or unwilling to trace its momentum.  It is even more challenging to discover and observe its course.  We acquiesce our personal power with our engagement in the paradigm of the mediacracy.  If our enslavement was accelerated, many of us would notice and cause an uprising.  This is the primary purpose why its progression is at a snail’s pace, to control our personal perception and prevent our freedom.  We simply fail to acknowledge its influence and impact. We are preoccupied by an elaborate system of desire, delusion, diversion and exploitation.  Therefore, we are oblivious to the atrocities we enable with our participation. 

The Means Justify the End

The design of our enslavement is evident.  Harness our attention with engineered information.  Destroy our personal power within the environmental vortex of society.  Provoke and maintain our fear, herding us into authoritarian dependence.  Condition us to police each other under the threat of social punishment and ridicule.  Program our obedience with mere survival to satiate our angst.  Keep us distracted and preoccupied with a steady stream of amusement, debate, pre-planned global events and societal shifts, all while abolishing our basic freedoms and rights.  We are indoctrinated to invest in social reality more than ourselves.

Choose Your Illusion

Where we aim our attention is where we express our energy.  It defines our experience.  We are conditioned to engage in the vacuum of disempowering realities, imposed upon us by authoritarian entities and organizations, existing as banks, corporations, education and religious institutions, governments and political parties.  They diminish our personal intention and power by transmuting the energy we invest with our participation into sustaining our individual enslavement.  The payoff we receive is our anger, apathy, indifference, naïveté and self-righteousness.  Mainstream media feeds our insatiable appetites with content customized for our oblivious consumption.   

The Currency of Reality

Since we are in the simulation of social reality, we are blind to the profundity of its exploitation, influence, impact and programming.  Furthermore, we choose to refute its existence, believing our willful denial will somehow prevent its inevitability.  Where we focus our attention is not just where our energy is expressed, it is also where we acquiesce our personal power.  What is our greatest inconvenient truth?  We alone cause and enable our enslavement.  Knowing, let alone understanding, we are the cause of our social oppression is the vital epiphany empowering our freedom.

Transcendental Shift

We are given infinite opportunities to sever our tether with the mediacracy and social reality.  Every day we have the choice to tune out from the peripheral programming and tune into our soul by listening to our intuition.  Who we are is established by the quality of our source.  Awareness of current events and their engineered complexities may harvest knowledge of society.  However, consciousness empowers understanding, manifesting our universal experience of being.  When we are enamored with the bells and whistles of the mediacracy, we are only emulating artificiality.  When we are related with our soul, we are sourced by the universe.      

Universal Source

Our soul and the universe are one.  Our intuition resonates with the energy of our universality.  This synergy between the universe and our soul empowers us to transcend the duality of the mediacracy.  Our heart center enlightens our mind and enlivens our body with this energy to transform us, our environment and social reality.  Breaking the vicious cycle of artificiality is our common purpose.  Creating our unique experience is our personal destiny.  When we observe, understand, express and embody our universality, we are one with all.  Everything else is opinion.   

“Streaming universality is the source of conscious experience.”

The Ass and The Elephant

“There is no choice.  There never was nor ever will be.”

Us and Them:

Every day in every way we are played against each other.  The nature of our reality has been distorted and transmuted into one of premeditated opposition.  We are at odds with society to the degree that we are most hostile with ourselves.  Be it ethics, politics, religion or sports, our criticism, judgement and prejudice of others are planted in our sub-consciousness long before we are aware of ourselves.  We become mired in a lose-lose competition that best serves the few at the cost of the many.  Oblivious to the dynamics and rules of this vicious, social cycle, we enable it with our apathy, denial, indifference and obedience.

The Illusion of Choice:

We are conditioned to believe we have a choice when it comes to those who lead us.  We are not given a choice.  We are given options.  This is an important distinction rarely made and often mistaken.  The individuals we elect as our representatives are an elite group of strategically selected and privileged marionettes programmed to execute a prearranged agenda.  One that is designed for control, power, profit and secrecy.  Our system of democracy enables the antithesis of all it appears to embody.  Reality is a fairy tale that lulls us into acquiescence, futility and oblivion.  Our “choice” is a false power enabled by a superficial society.

The Frequency of Fear:

The foundation of reality is a devious tapestry of fear.  It permeates every facet of our existence.  The commercial, entertainment, media, political and religious industries threaten our senses with heavy doses of manufactured fear.  This produces chaotic and distorted frequencies to suspend us in a perpetual state of apprehension.  Most of us fail to possess an awareness of them and the impacts they have on us.  Yet, they are evident, omnipresent and undeniable.  Their influence effects every aspect of our life.  These frequencies of fear are weapons of mass destruction, distraction and diversion to manipulate our experience of choice.

Wings of the Same Bird Part One:

The left wing symbolizes the liberal party or “Demo-cons.”  “Democrat,” derives its origin from the term, “democracy,” and denotes equality, justice and liberty.  The right wing represents the conservative party or “Neo-cons.”  “Republican” originates from the term, “republic,” and represents loyalty, observance and obedience to it.  The two-party system is an exhibition of duality.  Its sole function is to confuse and deceive its unwitting populace into perceptions and positions of competition, division and all out social war.  We are pitted against each other in an endless conflict of ego, intolerance, judgement and self-righteousness.

Wings of the Same Bird Part Two:

Believe it or not, both the liberal and conservative parties work together best when they work against the people.  They are not our representatives.  They are figureheads for the authoritarian, corporate and financial establishments.  The political left and right are the “fronts” of a global racket to conquer, imprison and enslave the people with their very own nationalism, partisanship and terror.  They are not the bitter rivals the media or political institutions portray.  Their strings all originate from the same source.  A handful of elite organizations who con the people with the greatest deception.  The belief that their vote has power and purpose.

“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” – Mark Twain

The Master Race:

Since the dawn of civilization, there have always been the few who have exploited the many.  Whether it is based on knowledge, religion, science or technology, the oppression of human evolution has been a conquest for control, power and profit.  A secret network of bloodline families rules the people of the world with their influence, ingenuity, rituals and wealth.  The expansion and preservation of their dominion is essential to the manifestation of their agenda.  The bloodline families have produced order from their chaos and chaos from their order as a practice to further its totalitarian supremacy.

Arsenal of Authority:                   

For the first time in human history, we are seeing the deliberate and widespread proliferation of martial authority.  It is the privatization of the armed forces, the militarization of local, county and state police, the use of former special operations personnel at demonstrations, protests and rallies and the data-mining and surveillance of the global population.  We are manipulated and preyed upon by the bloodlines in every conceivable way to the greatest degree.  Authoritarian rule, institutional conditioning, media programming, social engineering and political and religious indignity distorts our experience and perception.

The Great Pyramid of the Elite:

The structure of society’s reality is a global pyramid scheme.  We the people inhabit the base of the pyramid, along with all other living things.  Above us are the people we elect into positions of government.  Governments are lobbied and supervised by corporations, otherwise known as “The Corporatacracy.”  They in turn are funded by their lenders, the major banking institutions.  “The Big Banks” are administrated by the National Central Banks, who are controlled by the International Central Banks.  The Central Banks of Central Banks oversee all the banking institutions.  The elite bloodlines occupy the apex, existing beyond censure, law and justice.

Candidate Carousel:

Every four years the vicious cycle of political selection resumes.  Families divide, friends collide, neighbors clash and reason and sanity are wagered for the empty promises the candidates pledge to make a difference.  One after the other, privileged people with suits, ties and smiles enchant us with their premeditated appeal, charisma, opinions and savvy to pander for the most precious commodity of their political position, our vote.  Society condenses all of our personal possibility, potential and power as human beings into one insignificant expression of obligation.  Our selection between two corrupt candidates endorsed by a secret assembly of elitists.

Fever Pitch:

The fervent flames of human ire, opinion, position and self-righteousness are once again being fanned to their extreme.  Lines of demarcation boldly and violently divide the left from the right.  One side spews its venom in a classic movement of defamation, while the other retaliates with a counter punch of character assassination.  Each constituency rises to cheer on their selected leader with the fury and scorn of a forsaken army devoid of an earnest war.  At the heart it all is our reluctance and refusal to claim our own leadership and manifest it into our daily life.  When we cast our vote, we give away our power to avoid being accountable for our own.

“Voting provides an illusion of power to deceive us into believing we are making a difference.”   

The Power We Yield:

We are born into a society of ignorance, oppression and superficiality.  The evolution and fulfillment of our personal power is rarely if ever encouraged, exercised or supported.  We syphon it away with our emotional attachments, drama, fear and self-righteousness.  The division around us simply reflects our conflict within.  Our power is not found in negating the positions of others.  It is in our acceptance and respect for their diversity.  Transformation begins with the quality of our listening and the space we hold for others to choose.  This is our truest expression. Our personal power becomes real only when we live it as our way of being.

This Just In!

“A wise person makes their own decision.  An ignorant person follows public opinion.”

– Chinese Proverb

Extra Extra…

It’s a free-for-all!  And we do enjoy the ride.  We are helplessly and hopelessly addicted to, dependent on and enslaved by all forms of media.  Be it news broadcasts, the sports industry, all things entertainment and last but not least politics (which has become the most atrocious form of amusement.)  Yet the style of media that seems to “trump” it all is the one to which we all subscribe every day of our lives.  It is the worst expression of our nature as human beings.  Gossip is the greatest destroyer of experiences, opportunities, people and possibilities.  We are the echo of a society built on arrogance, entitlement, envy, judgement and self-righteousness.

…Read All About It!

We haunt our computers in a quest to find the meaning, purpose and truth of life.  We pour over articles, interviews, social media, videos and website links to fill in the missing pieces we ourselves have vacated in our pursuit to gratify our egos instead of expressing our souls.  Countless individuals with audacity, ingenuity and vanity rush to their cameras, devices, keyboards and personal media outlets to offer their radical commentary on hot topics that are as contrived as the reality in which we are imprisoned.  We all have an obscene tendency to offer the craftiest of our intelligence to compensate for the absence of our wisdom.

Hot Off the Presses:

The line of demarcation between truth and fiction in the media has long been blurred beyond recognition.  Reality has become a lie and a lie has become our reality.  The mass manipulation of our global culture has polluted the roots of our understanding by the very information we are conditioned to believe is real.  Reality is as subjective as perception.  The nature of which has been infinitely distorted with the stratagems of advantage, control and distraction.  It is not those who govern the air, food or water supplies who rule the world.  It is those proficient in manipulating reality and our perception of it who hold absolute dominion.

If It Bleeds, It Leads:

Believe it or not, we are the primary administrators and enablers of this diabolical system of information and perception manipulation with our obsessive attention, energy and reactivity.  Our focus is forever upon the drama, trauma and tragedy of others to forget about our own downfalls, failures and tribulations.  We populate our consciousness, listening and vision with a barrage of artificial stimuli in a wanderlust of broken destinies, dreams, lives, loves, people and promises.  In the face of adversity, diversity and possibility we chase after celebrity, controversy and rumor.  We exchange our need for purpose, truth and worth with our want for self-indulgence.

Know Your Sources:

A handful of corporations own most if not all of the existing media outlets in the world.  Everyone has an angle and those with the most to lose will do anything to proliferate and protect their investment to the greatest degree.  Every major corporation devotes a phenomenal sum toward the advancement, expansion and fulfillment of its agenda. This is the foundation upon which fortunes are made and lost.  The only way to always win a game is to rig it so the other players believe they are going to win up to the moment they lose.  This is the fundamental nature of society’s information and perception manipulation.

“What we don’t know we don’t know about the media is that it is invented.”

Get a Quote:

The evolution of the quote has surpassed the origin and significance of the story.  The attention span of the human race has accelerated at an alarming rate, desensitizing us to the gravest and most scandalous of editions.  Quotes once stood as beacons of clarity, hope, inspiration, promise and truth.  Now their ambiguous diversion and political correctness has left their audiences rummaging around in the intellectual shadows for reason, sense and understanding.  All who are granted the authority and prestige to provide a quote usually do so with the intention of saying nothing while seemingly saying everything.

Cover Story:

Mainstream news broadcasts and reports are altered and/or invented to captivate our attention, fear, reaction and upset.  Media networks use chaotic and distorted electromagnetic bandwidth frequencies to distract, hypnotize and “program” their audiences.  This ensures that the information they are disseminating is transmitted and received to its optimal impact and potency.  Conventional networks will often air biased and simulated reports and feature hostile debates to divert the focus of their audiences away from the truth of every day inequalities and injustices.  We pull the wool over our own eyes when we fail to exercise our personal discernment.

Headlines and Deadlines:

The contemporary consciousness of the human race is such that it doesn’t take much to attract, captivate, maintain and stimulate its attention.  Headlines are designed to assault us from the page or computer screen by drawing upon the greatest false power ever devised.  The sharing of information in our mainstream society has gradually declined from one of genuine awareness to blatant, outright fear.  Once our interest, intelligence and possibility was sourced by a common purpose.  Now it is restricted and replaced with incorporated propaganda pushing anxiety, “dis”-ease, opposition and “terror.”  Headlines have become deadlines.

Scrolling for Ratings:

Since the invention of the running scroll on computers, devices and television screens, the attention spans and listening of audiences have been gradually altered, disrupted and distorted.  The stimulated sense of emergency and urgency subliminally traumatizes its viewers with an experience of apprehension, bewilderment, hypnosis, hysteria and vigilance.  The visual content, energetic frequency and regularity of the transmissions render the spectator’s comprehension, listening and perception vulnerable to assimilation, conditioning, influence and intimidation.  Viewership becomes a vicious cycle of existential, perceptual and social enslavement.

The Spin Factor:

Contemporary reports about events that occur around the world are profoundly adulterated, editorialized and fabricated to promote the illusion of freedom, justice, opportunity and unity.  Yet, all that is truly conveyed is its extreme antithesis.  Media outlets provide only the tip of the iceberg of available information.  What is broadcast is a corporately-crafted, agenda-driven viewpoint to program its audience into a two-dimensional experience of right and wrong, love and fear, left and right and dark and light.  Every facet of the mainstream media spins its news updates in their own interpretation to control, manipulate and modify the nature of reality.

The Source of All Sources:

In a society besieged with drama, distraction, dysfunction and division, there is only one true source that is diverse from the cacophony of human reality.  It is the eternal spring of consciousness experienced only through the transcendental nature of our intuition.  It is all possibility of everything that was, is and ever will be.  It is the multi-dimensional expression of the universe that resonates with every element of our being.  When we envision and experience what is beyond the information and perception manipulation, we become the manifestation of the source.  The truth exists in reality when we choose to personify it.

This Just In!

We will never receive authentic, balanced, comprehensive and empowering information from the current network of news sources in the world.  There is too much at stake for the few to endorse and publicize the truth to the many.  All we can do as reluctant subscribers of contemporary media is to exercise our own choices, distinctions, epiphanies and insights.  The more we inspire our own experience, vision and wisdom, the more we will be able to distinguish ourselves from societal fear, prejudice, propaganda and vanity.  The present and future of our lives has, is and will always be in our power.  Yet, it is only attained if it is willingly claimed.

“There is nothing more destructive than an illusion believed to be true.”

Entertained to Sleep

With the growing interest and social buzz about consciousness, it is remarkable that we don’t see more people turning away from the seductive tides of the entertainment industry.  Whether it is television, radio, Internet, online games, Facebook, Twitter, movies, magazines, advertisements, etc., entertainment has become one of, if not “the,” greatest distraction of our lives.  I write “of our lives” because this is exactly what we are sacrificing when we become entangled in its alluring web.

It may not seem dire or toxic.  Yet, if it is something that consistently takes away a good measure of our time, energy, relations, motivation, creativity and lives, it may warrant a close observance of our lifestyle.

None of us are immune to the “want” of being entertained.  It began at an early age, and sometimes as a way to be preoccupied so that our parents or guardians could be afforded an earned break.  As we grew older, it began to be distorted from a want to a need to even an entitlement.  We find it much easier and desirable to turn on the TV, radio, and Internet as a type of “white noise” to make us feel more comfortable, connected, related or fulfilled.  It can even be such a daily routine that it becomes a minute-to-minute endeavor.  When we find ourselves without the false security of entertainment, it may impact our behavior, perception and mood.  It becomes something much more than amusement.  It becomes addiction.  We are entertained to sleep.

When we turn on the television to watch sit-coms, we are greeted with forced laughter, elementary-level jokes and unrealistic life situations.  It is cotton candy for the mind.  There is a quick flash of fleeting sweet pleasure that dissipates as quickly as it arrived.  When we turn on dramas, we are drawn into states of anxiety and stress.  News broadcasts can put us into a perpetual state of fear and apathy.  And reality shows.  Need I say more?  When the program is over, we are left only with emptiness and a longing with which entertainment is all too successful providing.

The Internet is an amazing invention of information, discovery, education and expression.  Yet, without moderation, we may find ourselves spending hours upon hours of our time glued to the screen and the mouse, forever searching for a relatedness and fulfillment never to be found on a computer.  We may become more connected with the World Wide Web than we are with our family and friends.  We may even begin to believe that social media is the future of relatedness.

Most entertainment has one thing in common.  Escape.  It offers an avenue that many of us are more than willing to take.  It seems evident that a great number of people would choose to evade the constant onslaught of reality by which we are continuously impacted.  Some may even believe that reality is manipulated in such a way to drive people toward things like entertainment, poor diets, drugs, sports, shopping, social media and a number of other distractions.  It would seem that society is rife with many diversions manufactured for the sole purpose of keeping us distanced from the one person with whom we are born to be related, ourselves.

It is amazing the amount of our energy, time and money we willingly surrender to our entertainment.  Being distracted by entertainment is one of the primary things that enable an undesirable “reality” to persist.  It is our entitlement to being entertained that is keeping us from living the lives that we love and by which we are truly inspired.

Over the last two weeks, my wife and I chose not to go on Internet, turn on the TV, scroll through Facebook, view videos on YouTube, read articles online, etc.  We turned off the laptop and our Kindle Fires to bask in the glow of how life was before the explosion of technology.  Where we once turned on the TV, we now talk with each other.  Where we once surfed the Internet, we both picked up a book.  Where we once turned without to be entertained, connected and informed, we now choose to turn within and to each other.

For me, this practice has opened up a great deal of time and a wellspring of creativity.  It has taught me to honor the silence, my relations with others, my artistic expressions, my goals, my purpose and my life.

Instead of being entertained by other people, imagine the possibility that our life itself could be fulfilling enough.  For if our lives aren’t that entertaining, what does that say about how we are living them?

The life we are given is such a brilliant gift and blessing.  Now is always the time to honor and reclaim it, not by entertaining it, by living it.

Trump This and Bern That!

Elective Bargaining:

It is a presidential election year and the masses are emerging from their political slumber.  Every four years the nation becomes encumbered and ensnared within the duality that is the American voting process.  Like a college sports rivalry, politics divides couples, families, friends, business associates and communities.  As always, the powers that be are ratcheting up the politico machine to amuse, deceive, distract, enrage, hypnotize, intrigue and stupefy society.  The establishment plays us all like a maestro their instrument.  Every time, we take the bait, note for dissonant note.

Elusive Leadership:

We are all born leaders, yet we are not educated, empowered, encouraged, raised or supported in our leadership.  For most of us, this lifestyle is not an option.  Not because we don’t choose this path or aren’t adept in its practice.  It is mostly because we are discouraged, distracted and suppressed by the arrogant and bold sociopathic few that were born into the right family.  We are bewildered, enchanted, envious and ultimately subservient to politicians because of their charisma, celebrity and popularity.  We acquiesce to their inauthentic guidance and importance for fear or lack of our own.

Slight of View:  

Education, media, religion and parental influence prepare us for our inevitable servitude.  Numerous distractions are invented everyday by political authorities, news networks, social media, editorial commentary, advertising, sports events and entertainment outlets.  We are bombarded by a plethora of drama that triggers our contempt, outrage, upset and eventually our resignation.  While we are preoccupied by the multitude of diversions, our freedoms and rights are gradually and systematically distorted and taken away from us.  The spell is cast, the trick is set and the illusion is performed.

Bait and Switch:

Every time it begins with a new collection of president-elects who roll out of their respective parties like a cluster of clowns from a compact car in the traveling circus.  They talk the talk, show up at appearances, kiss babies and invent new rhetoric to be noticed more than the next person in line.  At first, the public isn’t interested, nor is it prepared for the measure of their eventual exaltation or fanaticism of the candidate-elects.  A sequence of events, statements, propaganda or posturing occurs that whips their voter base’s adrenalin and ire into a fever pitch.  Game on.

Feel the Fear:

Politics is a sport of fear.  It has nothing to do with leadership.  If it truly did, politicians would be inspiring the people to lead themselves.  Instead, they find new and clever ways to discourage the voting populous by preying upon their anxieties, distress and ignorance with the implication of defeat, veiled threats and dire consequences.  The worst is not in what we know about what is going on, it is in what we don’t know and don’t witness.  Everything that is repressed from the populous is used against it for the purpose of furthering a concealed agenda that most often is to the detriment of the general public.

Contest of Conquest:

One of the greatest spectacles of political theater during an election year is personified in the debate.  It is the age-old practice of attempting to prove to the constituency the validity of one’s candidacy.  It begins with the initial intention of commitment, goodwill, honesty, information and the declaration of oaths.  Yet, it usually devolves into an exchange that can be seen on any elementary playground during recess.  The aim is no longer a presentation of the candidate’s character, experience and purpose.  It becomes an opportunity to debunk, discredit and defrock the opponent.

Ways and Means:

Politics is an elite club from which the people are excluded.  Their only participation is how much money they can donate to their candidate, how much tax they pay and the casting of their vote.  There is no other requirement of the public.  It is a systemic convenience that has cost us our economy, freedom, rights, future and citizenry.  There is an implied expectation of entitlement from candidates and incumbents that the people simply hand over their personal power.  A pledge millions in this country are more than willing to give for the sake of an artificial belonging, security, happiness and peace.

Heads or Tails:

We believe that we have a choice as to who is elected.  We don’t.  Since the dawn of democracy, the people never had a choice and perhaps never will.  Our “choice” is based upon the decision of a few influential individuals whom select the candidates they believe will best further their agenda.  When these candidate-elects are chosen, they are then funded, initiated, lobbied, promoted and programmed by political officials on what to say, how to act and react and motivate their voter base to the polls.  If given the choice, most if not all of us would choose a candidate not listed on the ballot.

Pyramid Scheme:

Our world is run by a small collection of elite wealthy families perpetuating a bloodline that has existed since before history was recorded.  They thrive in the shadows of our apathy, compliance, cynicism, ignorance and fear.  Their network maintains and manipulates a system of international central banks that fund national central banks.  These national banking institutions in turn administrate commercial banks that finance corporations.  This “Corporatocracy” exploits, lobbies and utilizes governments to draft legislation and pass laws to protect their investments, profits, power and status.

Return on Investment:

Millions of dollars are spent by corporations, donors, lobbyists and financial institutions to ensure the election outcome that benefits their interests most.  Yet, billions of dollars are generated, secured and disseminated through covert legislation, corporate tax cuts, no-bid contracts, “defense” spending and subjective scientific research.  In other words, the value we believe our vote has is merely a raindrop in an ocean of financial and corporate exploitation.  As has been stated before, if our vote really made a difference, the banks and corporations would never grant us this liberty.

Seasonal Selection:

As an electorate, we often tend to engage in the political process once every four years, cast our vote and then return to the “reality” of our standard and subliminal servitude.  Our vote is merely an inauthentic expression of artificial power.  By no means do I intend to discourage anyone from fulfilling upon their civic rights.  True freedoms in this world must be claimed and exercised.  We as citizens need be present to where our attention, energy and money flow.  These are the essentials of our lives that determine the prevalence of our liberty or the degree of our captivity.

Power to the People:

We are at the bottom of the pyramid.  We are no longer identified as citizens.  The elite perceives us as consumers.  We enable our enslavement by unconsciously purchasing their products and services and denying and refuting their existence.  We the many significantly outnumber the influential few.  We the people can transform the maniacal network of centralized banks and trans-national corporations.  We can choose to become aware of where our money is going by simply exploring where it leads.  All it requires of us is our dedicated focus, inquiry, practice, purpose and willingness.

Evening the Odds:

We have an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference in our lives and in the world.  It begins everyday with our choice of who we want to be, how and why we want to live and what we want to manifest.  Our destiny does not live and die when we cast our vote.  It is declared in our intention and action to be an expression and stand for all that enlightens and inspires us.  We need to vote first for ourselves and claim our leadership then encourage others to do the same.  Only then will we truly be the consciousness, love, possibility and transformation we yearn to see in the world.