Being In Flow

“The only truth is the one we create.”

A New Era

In March 2020, we were given a remarkable opportunity to shift the paradigm of human being, expression and existence.  A manmade virus infected us with widespread fear, driving us deeper into social and political anxiety, division, enslavement, judgement and isolation.  We took the bait; hook, line and sinker, never questioning the artificiality besieging us.  Amidst it all, the opportunity was to observe, distinguish and sever our conditioned dependence upon social reality.  Alignment and relativity with our heart, intuition and soul was ever-present, expressed within the resonance of a universal energetic shift humanity had ever experienced. 

Social Reversion

As with all things in society, the majority clung desperately to the simulation of social reality, unable and unwilling to break the vicious cycles enslaving us.  We had the opportunity to experience and shift with the universal energy of this new era, transcending the duality of existence by becoming an expression of our soul.  For many, the neurological dependence on the structure of artificiality proved insurmountable.  When the chaotic fervor of the pandemic settled, we regressed and acquiesced to the virtuality of social reality.  The webs of a new matrix were woven, enabling the dependency of its subscribers.    

All That Was Lost

I spent the last three years creating and experiencing all I could to align with my heart, intuition, soul and the universe.  I observed the abundance of transformation society dismissed and negated like weekly refuse.  We wielded our fear and insecurity like a weapon against the opportunity of a lifetime.  Over the last few years, universal possibility was so omnipresent, we could feel it in every experience.  Each of us has the potential to become an expression of the universe.  Yet, the seduction of the artificial security social reality provides proved irresistible to a deluded and susceptible society.  Once again, we submitted to the totalitarian deception.   

An Ordinary Life

We invest more energy and effort into financial wealth than physical health.  Many people disregard wellbeing, but incessantly check the progress or decline of their assets, balances and investments.  Career becomes the foundation upon which our delusionary lives are built.  Though it may be an amazing experience having children, billions of lives are dictated by school and family functions, practices, social events, sports and daily activities and encounters.  Social reality fills in the blank spaces of free time with amusement, media, politics and religion.  The meager moments left to us are spent escaping the artificial reality to which we eagerly tether.

“Empowering our truth is our soul’s expression.”

Observations and Outlooks

After 52 years, I have observed the numerous nuances of oblivion in social reality.  It is primal survival at its elementary core.  The cruelty people commit to themselves and each other as they attempt to push their way ahead to what and where they “believe” they are entitled is at the root of our social violence.  We all convince ourselves we are kind, loving and peaceful, though our thoughts and actions often exhibit our personal malevolence.  We believe we are a part of community, yet how can we exist as such when we cannot even be with ourselves?  However positive we project our outlooks; our eventuality is quite the contrary.   

Personal Existence

We build a bubble between ourselves and the world with a strategic focus on personal survival.  This is so endemic and inherent, we fail to observe the internal and external violence of our own egocentricity, pride and vanity.  Our oblivion to the projection of our anxieties, fears, hatred, insecurities and judgement is what deceives us away from our soul and into the self-centric snare of our ego.  We are programmed to interpret it as an expression of intelligence.  The ego, as it exists in social reality, is a cerebral weapon, enslaving us into the duality of the mind and body.  It inhibits our personal fulfillment, as well as our communal experience. 

The Origin of Community

Just because we exist in an area with a group of people does not equate to community.  My view on contemporary “unity” is akin to how democracy exists.  Once in the history of humanity, there was a vision.  Yet, the relative manifestation pales in comparison.  Given its fragility within social reality, the last few years have shown us how swiftly our selective delusions destroy unity with the vanity and violence of self and familial survival.  Community is a gathering of people empowering and inspiring each other with support and sustenance.  The origin of authentic relatedness is our relativity with our soul.

Ancestral Universality

Social reality separates us from our soul and the universe.  Our institutional conditioning indoctrinates us into a prison of private existence.  Our primary motivation is what we gain instead of what we give.  We are unable to transcend our inherent egocentricity.  There is a stark distinction between community and society.  Where the former empowers relatedness and belonging, the latter imposes isolation and singularity.  We are all related.  Our soul is the essence of our relativity.  Our universal being enlightens and enhances our earthly experience.  Being is the expression of our ancestral universality.    

Soul Burst

The universe empowers our soul to express epiphany and insight with our intuition.  This is our universality.  Its omnidimensional emanations are received through our heart.  Our heart center transposes universal energy into electromagnetic currents, illuminating our neural pathways for their translation and application.  Our mind relays the momentum of this energy to our body.  During this descension, most of our universality is lost.  Transcending the neuroses of the mind and the habituation of the body empowers us to center our being into our heart and experience universality.  Our soul sources consciousness to express the flow of the universe.  

Being in Flow

The energy we experience reflects how related we are with our heart, intuition, soul and the universe.  How it manifests in our present is established with our universal alignment, balance, focus and expression.  The energetic shift of universality is available to all who choose to transcend the enslavement of egocentric existence within social reality.  When we center our consciousness into our heart and heed our soul with our intuition, we are empowered by the infinite energy in the universe.  We feel the resonance of universality synergize in every element of our being.  It is the frequency of being one with the universal flow. 

“Our truth exists when we become it.”

3 thoughts on “Being In Flow

  1. Dear Iam,

    Good to see you here again. I never thought of what happened in 2020 as an opportunity (“to observe, distinguish and sever our conditioned dependence upon social reality”) but it’s true. Seeing how the masses swallowed the mainstream narrative without question and simply “obeyed” the directives, driven by their manipulated fear like panicked animals, was an eye opener for me.

    It confirmed that our social reality is contrived to fit an agenda that does not have our welfare in mind. Spiritual values have been lost to the emphasis on intellect, logic and whatever we are “told” defines our material success. TV is the biggest programmer of all.

    We were also given an opportunity through the isolation of lockdown to go within. Many people changed jobs or careers, realizing they were unhappy with what they were doing. Relationships also changed with the prolonged contact at home. Some people started to question their entire lives, and this put them at a higher energetic level.

    But something darker also happened: many got used to interrelating through their devices and avoiding face to face encounters. They increasingly relied on the artificiality of social media to give themselves value. They are now hypnotized and enslaved by these channels. I have literally seen people walk into traffic or drive their cars while texting and either get hit or hit someone. It’s insane. These people are not “present” in their bodies anymore. So sad!

    Those on a spiritual path now feel a greater gap between how they choose to live and where the masses are being steered. We have had to make a clear choice in favor of our souls. Those who never listened to their inner voice have gone another way.

    Maybe this is how it was meant to go in this evolutionary shift of human consciousness. We have to choose the divine force within or that connection will be lost. Do you agree?


  2. Good to hear from you Thelma!
    Hope you are well!
    Yes, I agree indeed.
    The pandemic was a scientific experiment in my observation.
    The concern may be best placed not on what has happened, but what will happen. It is disturbing to see how tethered society is to reality and all its nuances.
    It does not take much for people’s awareness to be drawn from them, many are just giving it away due to their selected interpretation of how difficult it may be for them to maintain consciousness, especially now.
    It is also disturbing to see how people have become so dependent on the artificiality, reality is viewed as an illusion, with no truth in sight.
    Always great to hear from you!


  3. Very well, thanks.

    And yes, it is disturbing to see how people are falling into this trap. Choices on keeping our sovereignty or not have been made but not consciously.

    I hope I don’t have to see “what will happen” because it won’t be pretty!


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