
“Manipulation is our common mode of expression.”

Perception Deception:
How we perceive our experience of life becomes our reality. How we transform our experience of life becomes our truth. This is an essential distinction often buried beneath the cavalcade of complexity with which we occupy our lives. Most of us focus our daily intent on surviving rather than thriving. Society indoctrinates us into this mind-driven lifestyle to disassociate and distract us from our true purpose. Infinite facets of perception and tangents of thought overstimulate our senses. We allow ourselves to be confused and deceived by our self-induced psychosis, primarily influenced by the turbulent tides of our social environment.

The Truth of Reality:
Reality is not “real.” No matter how foreign or obscure this may seem, reality is our inevitable human captivity. It is the ultimate form of slavery. Reality is an engineered projection imposed upon us by authoritarian, hierarchal, secret societal, sociopathic people hellbent on control, greed, manipulation and power. It is a human invention to confine and suppress our consciousness, empathy and spirituality. Inevitably, all of us concede to this omnipresent force in fear of failure, prejudice, ridicule and segregation. Reality is a vortex invented to consume everything distinct from its intended design. It is an illusion to distort what is real.

Spin Factor:
The most influential element of perception is how it is spun. We each have a unique perspective on our lives and society. Yet, we allow our viewpoints to be distorted and manipulated by mass media broadcasting agenda-laden information by and for exclusive ways and means. It is not the rare, drastic and massive shifts in our perception that make the greatest impact. It is the daily, mechanical and subtle swings to which we have been desensitized. Perception is spun every day and way to sustain benefit for the few at the cost of the many. In a society desperate to believe in “reality,” perspective is easily altered, biased and invented.

We are born and bred to idolize and praise. Most of us become inferior because we are socially conditioned to give away our personal power as a necessity to succeed in reality. Our foundation of existence is built upon an unstable ground of ego, emulation, greed and self-righteousness. We occupy our lives with physical desires, intellectual debate and elementary emotion. Our soul is a desert devoid of the life we have long sacrificed to accumulate, conform and consume. We have made it more attractive and convenient to celebrate and imitate the lives of others at the cost of our own. Like our power, we eagerly give away the onus of our perception.

We Are What We See:
Our lives are defined by how we view them. Though we have various senses, our sight greatly impacts our experience. Most of what we become is a culmination of what we perceive. Our vision dominates our existence. We are entirely reliant upon what we see. Our eyes deceive us as much as our reality. What we “want” to see often overpowers what we “need” to see. Every day we adopt a common reality based upon how and what we observe. Society is designed to imprison us into duality. Linear perception and the simulated dynamics of “reality” prohibit our ability to manifest our personal vision.

“It doesn’t matter what happens around us, it only matters what happens within.”

Everything distinct from our individual being is an illusion. It is a projection of rudimentary cause and effect in which we adopt and invest based upon our circumstances, decisions and energy. We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is all that is real. That what lies within us is devoid of intention, meaning, purpose and value. We have sacrificed our personal power for artificial belonging, intelligence, status and wealth. We have allowed our perceptions to be manipulated to the utmost degree. In so doing, we have surrendered our heart and soul. Society and reality are systems designed specifically to divert us from ourselves.

A Hand in the Act:
Our perceptions have been programmed to serve an authoritarian agenda. They sustain a socially engineered reality at the cost of our creativity and purpose. We are anesthetized to the effects of this conditioning due to our daily, self-prescribed dose of synthetically mindless amusement and entertainment. We are stimulated by an addictive dependence on fear and fantasy to escape the dire perceptions we adopt of reality. This preoccupies us from becoming the greatest expression of ourselves and fulfilling our destiny. We allow this constant and peripheral anxiety to alter our outlook on life and propagate its eventual downfall.

Diamond in the Rough:
Humanity is a multi-faceted diamond of perception. There are over six billion viewpoints, each one as essential as the next. The diversity of our vision is measured not by the strength of our own, yet by the willingness to see beyond the borders of conventional perception. Our desire to discover, experience and illuminate the mysteries of ourselves transforms all we may encounter. The perception we choose is the bridge to manifest what is possible in our life. Our vision is inspired by the personal commitment and empowerment for which we live. We are the saviors for whom we have been waiting.

Epiphany of Insight:
The truth of what is cannot be found in contemporary forms of media, whether they are social, printed, forums, lectures, videos or even sacred texts. Individual truth is conceived in a vision, realized in one’s being and manifested as a lifestyle. Our personal revelations are multi-dimensional experiences always occurring within us. When we are present to these opportunities, our consciousness of, commitment to and engagement with them establishes our existence. Our insights are the sparks that illuminate and inspire our perceptions and lives. We are the sole creators of our evolution and transformation.

A Call for Consciousness:
Reality is a kaleidoscope of virtual stimuli to divert us from our true path. Our emergence from the shadows of society is vital to our becoming. It is our choice how we view, experience and create the world within and without. We are either victims of the greatest vicious cycle ever invented through our compliance and participation. Or we are our own saviors who cause our freedom, intention and personal power. It is our calling to envision and manifest all that our heart and soul embodies. We are the only person who will ever prevent ourselves from becoming all we may imagine. We are the source of our purpose.

“Our vision is the gateway to our consciousness.”

5 thoughts on “Kaleidoscope

  1. Of course reality is not “real”
    after all it is authority which defines “that”
    and after all, what is authority but “we”

    “We are the only person who will ever prevent ourselves from becoming all we may imagine. We are the source of our purpose.”

    of course ‘we’ are,
    so why then do ‘i’
    insist on validating
    their importance?
    they’re separation?!!

    is it (is) because i am
    by what is not real?……..”just wandering”


    • Particularmente me siento atrapada, y eso no lo cause yo desde los 2 años. A pesar d todo he leído cuando toda la vida a brazo partido para no aceptar este absurdo y ridículo teatro.bPero es demasiado duro permanecer solo al margen de todo.


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