A True Life

“Life is a lie in a society of illusion.”

Superficial Sentience:

We live a false life.  Whether or not we choose to acknowledge or implement this unique insight, it is inherently the truth.  Not because we ourselves are fundamentally superficial, though we undoubtedly are.  It is that we inhabit a holographic, three-dimensional paradigm of existence.  Since we do, we cannot be true, neither can we be real.  This is an unimaginable reality to accept.  One of which the greater resistance we present, the more difficult the ability to break free from its all-encompassing captivity.  We are not true beings simply because we cannot comprehend what truth is living an existence of multi-faceted illusion.

Soul Sacrifice:

Every breath of everyday we dig our personal roots deeper into the soil of a fabricated society.  Most of us cannot see this, nor can we believe it.  Yet in our silent moments, we feel it as clearly as any of our senses could ever envision.  We live in a culture that has demonized the expressions of the heart and the transcendence of the soul.  Society operates primarily on the insatiable appetites of our desires and the manipulation of our intellect.  This common lifestyle has sequestered us into a two-dimensional experience, leaving us oblivious to our multiplicity.  We commit the greatest crime against ourselves when we sacrifice our soul for the lie of life.

Intelligence is Ignorance:

All of us have been and are being institutionally programmed in one way or another.  Whether it is educational, mass media, political, religious or even spiritual in nature, we have all committed ourselves to one or many forms of conditioning.  Our awareness is measured by facts and figures that tether us into the technical slavery of our left brain.  In a society that is cruel, destructive, ominous and perilous, we engage only in what we believe is best for our own personal survival.  We modify our vision in a desperate attempt to safeguard ourselves from everything and everyone we perceive as a threat.  We never realize the greatest threat is ourselves.

The Game:

Our lives are designed for amusement, competition, diversion, escape and survival.  Whether by authoritarian stratagem or our own agenda, reality is engineered to keep us alienated from ourselves and living against each other.  We are mystified by our desperate flights of fantasy.  We grow accustomed to an insensitive lifestyle of abuse, acquisition and the suspicion of everyone and everything we encounter.  When there are no more opponents to confront on the battlefield of illusion, we invent new ones to supplement our false contentment and conquests.  Our ravenous aggression drives us deeper into the hungry, yawning chasm of our own decline.

Vicious Cycle:

We are helplessly and hopelessly ensnared in a global spider web of deception, delusion, duality, fear and manipulation.  Each one of us enables this insidious network of control, power, status and wealth with our participation.  The more we are willing to sacrifice our accountability, integrity and sensibility, the more we capitulate and empower this grand paradigm of illusion.  Our obsession for significance becomes our most common and obstructive human addiction.  In spite of the money, power and possessions we achieve in a vain attempt to hide our inadequacies and insecurities, we are still a puppet upon an imaginary stage living a simulated life.

“The only truth about the truth is that there is no truth.”

Axiom of Assimilation:

All we think, know, sense and feel is built upon a foundation of illusion.  We ourselves are a reflection of social invention.  Our human nature and the reality in which we exist is a galactic projection from an unknown origin in the universe.  This compromises our soul’s relatedness with terrestrial existence.  The multi-dimensional dynamic of our spirit cannot thrive within the restricted parameters of three-dimensional reality.  Our physical and mental features instinctively dominate the multiplicity of our being.  The society in which we live imposes this indoctrination with constant conditioning and stimuli to diminish, distort and destroy our truest expression.

Against the Current:

Society is a surging springtime river swollen with arrogance, deception, entitlement, fear and ruin.  Its watermark has exceeded the breadth of its measure.  Most who are empowered and inspired enough to rise and stand against it are eventually swallowed by its sheer, omnipresent force and inexorable undercurrent.  All of us have had our dance with youthful rebellion, intellectual and intuitive discovery and the desire to make a difference.  Yet, the further we walk down the path of our creative, insightful and radical mutiny against society, the more we witness how lonely the revolution can be.  Reality is the silent and lethal assassin of all possibility.

Paradise Lost:

Sometime in our early to mid-twenties, a human tragedy occurs to us all.  With a totalitarian tip-toe efficiency and precision, the deceptive dynamics of reality and society seize our authenticity, creativity, imagination, inspiration, integrity, passion, possibility and purpose.  We sacrifice our unique individuality and originality in a vain quest to maintain a false sense of belonging, status and worth in society.  We join the ranks of millions of self-subscribed victims of unconscious circumstance to perform a collective role of emulation and obedience.  All that once empowered us with the energy of life is replaced with all that gradually takes it away.

The Politics of Consciousness:

The consciousness movement is bursting at the seams of contemporary society.  Religion is segueing into spirituality, which has progressed into consciousness and is now identified as an expression of one’s truth.  Yet, with most things in reality, even truth is inevitably susceptible to distortion and exploitation under the agendas of advantage, fame, power and profit.  In this world, truth is not “truth.”  It is a fabrication of something that best serves a few at the deception and manipulation of the many.  Those who exude or profess consciousness, insight or wisdom are usually the ones altering the perception and understanding of the public for their own gain.

Creative Vitology:

All we are is energy.  However existential or unbelievable this concept may be.  Without energy, we would cease to exist.  Each one of us is comprised of distinct waveform patterns that are expressions of our intuition, feelings and thoughts.  The nature and quality of our energy is defined by how we choose to interpret and interact with our environment.  These essentials ultimately inspire our actions.  Who we choose to be in our daily life attracts into it all which we intend.  Our intention is the focus that creates the vision of how our experience transpires.  Our creativity is the essential energy to manifest our destiny.

“We are not a creation.  We are the creators of a creation.”

A New Vision:

We are nothing we are programmed to believe.  We are not our body, mind, heart or soul.  These are simply facets of our being that our energy inhabits and utilizes for the sake of our human life.  We are not our senses, history, experiences or even our truth.  We are an embodiment of energy that emanates the possibility of consciousness.  Whether or not we become conscious depends upon how our energy is realized in our life.  We live in a reality of perpetual illusion.  We need to continually transform how we exist in reality to personify our conscious energy.  When we do, we ultimately transform the nature of our reality and become the expression of our truth.

7 thoughts on “A True Life

  1. This is a good article and I would like to add a comment to it. Instead of just looking a reality like an illusion, I think it’s better to look at it as an image in a distorted mirror. We still see the reality, bit in a distorted way. That makes a big difference from just taking it as an illusion, cause if it’s an illusion, than it’s all fake and we have nothing to really on and no place to find the truth. I would rather say, we are looking through the glasses of our perception. Someone’s glasses are more accurate, someone’s are less. And in the end… I’m in my mid twenties, and I have serious health issues. I definitely feel like drifting away from my true self, because I have to make some heavy compromises with life. I am forced to. It’s not easy, our task to stay authentic and continue to grow through our whole life… Life sometimes puts big obstacles, but we still have the ability to face them the best we can. But I understand why most people won’t fight it, it’s just too hard sometimes.


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